Summary of IT Jobs that Utilize English|English Proficiency and Study Methods Required
IT knowledge and skills such as programming are important for success in the IT industry, but English proficiency is also a very important skill. English skills can be utilized in a variety of IT-related jobs to broaden the scope of your work. In this article, we will introduce reasons why English is useful in the IT industry, English skills required in the IT industry, how to study English, and IT jobs where English can be used.
For IT jobs, we recommend “GitTap,” which specializes in IT industry jobs. We have a collection of jobs in global environments, so you can find jobs that allow you to make use of your English.
Reasons to use English in IT jobs
There are five reasons why you can use English in an IT job.
- Increased volume of information
- Able to gather information from multiple angles
- Expanding the scope of your work
- Overseas IT technology is more advanced
- Easy to raise your annual salary
Increased volume of information
Since cutting-edge IT technologies and services often penetrate Japan from overseas, including the U.S. and Europe, the latest IT-related information can only be obtained in English. By the time the latest information is translated into Japanese, the information is out of date, and it is more likely to be accurate if you check primary information in English directly.
To obtain the latest IT knowledge and technology, you need to use English to absorb information from overseas. If you have a high level of English proficiency, you will be able to obtain that much more information.
Reference: IT企業に就職するなら英語は必須!おすすめの勉強法もご紹介/Kredo Blog
Able to gather information from multiple angles
Useful information is sometimes translated into Japanese and sent out, but it is not always picked up by multiple media outlets in Japan. Therefore, if the article introducing the information is biased or contains incorrect information, the risk of recognizing incorrect information increases.
However, if you have English language skills, you can gather information from English articles, so you can obtain not only one-sided information obtained from Japanese articles, but also information from various angles written in English. If you want to make a difference in your ability to gather information, it is important to check various information from overseas written in an English environment as well as Japanese.
Reference: 英語を身に付けることで高まる情報収集の自由度について/LIBERTY
Expanding the scope of your work
If you cannot speak English, you can only work with Japanese people, but if you can make use of English, you will be able to work with overseas personnel and clients. You can also be in charge of offshore development, where development work is outsourced to overseas offices, and you may be assigned to overseas postings. Being able to use English will greatly expand the scope of your work.
According to the "Career Survey of Global Talent" conducted by Bizmates, 93.1% of respondents, regardless of industry, felt that their English skills had an impact on their career. 72.3% of respondents felt that English proficiency was necessary for career advancement, and 75.3% felt that English proficiency would broaden the scope of their work. If you are in an IT industry with strong ties to English, being able to utilize English further will broaden your job opportunities.
Overseas IT technology is more advanced
It is said that the U.S. is at the forefront of IT-related industries such as Google and Apple. Therefore, if you can speak English, you will be able to quickly adopt the latest overseas technologies and aim to become a highly skilled engineer. By making use of English, you can also team up with excellent overseas personnel. By acquiring knowledge and skills at a foreign level, you will be able to distinguish yourself from personnel in Japan.
Reference: アメリカはIT最先端で日本はITが遅れてる?実情から両者の違いが生まれる背景まで分かりやすく解説します/Geekly Media
Easy to raise your annual salary
If you are able to make use of English in the IT industry, your knowledge and skills will improve as you become more informed, and you will be more likely to be entrusted with a variety of tasks. As a result, it leads to career advancement and higher annual income. In terms of annual income alone, nearly half of businesspeople earning more than 7 million yen a year are said to be able to read and write at a daily conversational level. Furthermore, about half of HR professionals feel there is a disparity in income based on English proficiency.
Reference: 【グラフで解説】英語が出来ると年収にこれだけの差があるって知ってた?/EnglishLab
By broadening the scope of your work and differentiating yourself from other human resources in Japan, you will naturally be able to increase your annual income. Another attraction of working in English is that you can challenge not only Japanese companies but also overseas companies, making it easier to find a job with favorable conditions.
What level of English proficiency is required for IT jobs?
Now that we know that English proficiency is necessary for IT-related industries, how much English proficiency is required? Here we will explain the English proficiency required for IT jobs.
Daily conversational English proficiency x specialized English vocabulary for Companies that have not made a full-scale overseas expansion
If the company you are considering working for or changing jobs at does not have a full-scale overseas presence, you will need daily conversational English skills at the level of the Eiken Level 3. In the IT industry, you will also need knowledge of the English terminology used in IT work.
Examples of situations in which you will use English include reading English emails and documents, and manuals for overseas servers and network equipment. There will be many opportunities to read English manuals and overseas literature, so you should acquire the English skills to correctly understand the intent and meaning of the literature.
Reference: ITエンジニアに英語は必要ない?求められる英語力や勉強するメリット/アンドエンジニア
English proficiency of "TOEIC 800 or above" for foreign-capitalized companies or companies aiming to expand overseas
If you are thinking about finding a job or changing jobs at a foreign company or a company that is expanding overseas, it is said that English proficiency of “TOEIC 800 points or above” or “TOEFL 90 points or above” is necessary. To be successful in a global company, it is not enough just to be able to read English, but you must be able to communicate with overseas representatives and customers in English at a business level, and you must have the English conversation skills to communicate in depth with native English speakers, including IT terminology.
Reference: 外資系企業への転職に有利なのはTOEFL?TOEICとの違いを徹底解説/35ish
How to Study English for IT Jobs
If you want to work in the IT industry but don't have English skills, don't worry, you can improve your English skills for IT jobs by studying. Here are three study methods that will help you gain the English skills you need for IT jobs.
- Read information written in English
- Watch movies with English audio
- Practice English conversation
Read information written in English
Most information useful for IT jobs is written in English. One of the benefits of reading such websites and literature is that you will not only improve your knowledge and skills, but you will also improve your English skills.
If you feel that reading English out of the blue is too much of a hurdle, we recommend that you read sites and literature that you have once read in Japanese. If you understand the content in Japanese, it will be easier to understand it in English and you can get used to reading English sentences.
Reference: エンジニアに重要な英語力とは?レベル別に英語勉強法を解説/Bizmates Blog
Watch movies with English audio
If you need to speak with overseas representatives or customers in English, you will need to improve your listening skills. A good way to improve your listening skills is to watch foreign movies with English audio. First, watch the movie with Japanese subtitles to understand the content, then switch to English subtitles once you are familiar with the English audio. Once you are more comfortable, you can improve your listening skills by turning off the subtitles and watching English with just the audio.
Reference: 英語字幕で映画を見て英語力を上げる方法とは?手順とオススメの映画も紹介/Bizmates Blog
Practice English conversation
If you need to speak English for your IT job, you will need not only listening skills but also speaking skills. To improve your speaking skills, create opportunities to speak English by repeating actual English conversations. You can improve your English speaking ability efficiently by using English conversation classes, English conversation cafes, and other learning services. If you don't have time to go to an English conversation class! If you don't have time to attend an English conversation class, online English conversation services are recommended.
Reference: 忙しい社会人のための3ステップの英語勉強法と使えるツール5選【継続のコツも解説】/Bizmates Blog
8 IT Jobs that Make Use of English
Here are 8 IT jobs in the IT industry where you can make the most of your English skills.
- System Engineer (SE)
- Programmer (PG)
- Web Engineer
- Web Designer
- System Development / Product Development / Research and Development
- IT Consultant
- Web Marketers
- Data Analyst
For IT jobs, we recommend GitTap, which specializes in the IT industry.
▼Click here to search for a job on GitTap.
System Engineer (SE)
System engineers are in charge of coordinating with customers, defining requirements, and designing system development projects. They may also be assigned as project managers and serve as leaders and managers of system development projects.
System engineers need to keep up with the latest IT knowledge and technology from overseas in order to do their job, so English proficiency is necessary to obtain the latest information written in English. In addition to that, there are situations where English conversation is required because they are the point of contact with overseas personnel at offshore development sites where development is carried out at overseas locations. If you want to know more about system engineers, please refer to this article.
Programmer (PG)
Programmers are responsible for coding and system testing based on the design documents taken over from system engineers. As with system engineers, a high level of English proficiency is required to obtain the latest programming technology and knowledge from overseas.
English communication skills are also required when exchanging information with engineers on overseas know-how sites. English skills are necessary not only when conducting offshore development, but also when communicating with overseas personnel, so English can be used to the fullest.
Reference: プログラマーに英語力が必要な理由とメリット、効果的な勉強法とは?/アンドエンジニア
Web Engineer
Web engineers develop and operate web applications and web systems, etc. They develop web applications and create various systems and sites such as e-commerce sites, corporate sites, and web tools.
Web engineers read English documents necessary for the development of web applications and communicate with overseas know-how sites. Therefore, the ability to read English documents containing IT jargon is necessary.
Web Designer
Web designers design, develop, and operate screens for web applications and IT systems. They are required to create screens that are easy for users to view and understand, as well as beautiful and attractive screens.
Web designers, like other engineers, will need to be proficient in English, as they will be using documents and know-how sites related to the latest technologies from overseas. If clients or in-house engineers are multinational, it may be necessary to communicate with them in English.
Reference: Webデザイナーが英語を学ぶべき理由【元フリーランスが解説】/Kredo Blog
System Development / Product Development / Research and Development
System developers, product developers, and research and developers work to research and develop advanced technologies and knowledge in their respective fields while seeking a higher level of excellence. Since it is necessary to absorb the latest technologies from overseas, a good command of English is required.
They may work together with overseas developers on development work, or listen to presentations by overseas engineers and researchers at academic conferences. High-level English communication skills are also required for presentations and discussions on highly specialized topics.
IT Consultant
IT consultants provide IT advice and support to companies using advanced IT technology and knowledge. To absorb the advanced IT skills and knowledge required for consulting work, you will need to read information in English.
If you have overseas business partners or customers, communication in English is also essential. In such cases, business-level English proficiency is required, not just daily conversational level.
Reference: ITコンサルタントは理系が有利?英語力向上でさらに有利に!/LIBERTY
Web Marketers
Web marketers are responsible for marketing companies using web advertising, SNS, etc. They develop tools and systems for web marketing and analyze access history and other data.
As long as the clients are domestic companies, advanced English skills are not required. However, English proficiency is required to absorb the latest Web marketing theories and technologies from overseas.
Data Analyst
Data analysts are responsible for collecting and analyzing data such as information on the Web. They may also develop tools and systems for data collection and analysis.
Data analysts often gather the latest information and data not only from Japan but also from overseas. Therefore, a high level of English proficiency is required to be able to read and understand literature and interviews written in English. To learn more about data analysts and other analytical jobs, please refer to this article.
If you want to use your English for IT jobs, consult "GitTap"!
To make use of your English skills in the IT industry, we recommend searching for jobs on “GitTap”, a job search site for global IT engineers. GitTap is a job site that gathers global IT jobs, and you can search for a variety of jobs such as system engineers and web designers. If you want to find an IT job where you can use your English, you can start by registering for free.
Find an IT job where you can make use of your English!
You may think that English skills are not necessary for IT jobs if you work for a Japanese company that does not have an overseas presence. However, to get an IT job, you will need to absorb the latest foreign technology and read manuals for server equipment and network equipment made overseas. Therefore, English proficiency to read texts is a minimum requirement. If you want to work for a foreign IT company or a company that is expanding overseas, you should have a level of English proficiency that allows you to score 800 or higher on the TOEIC.
If you want to work in an overseas office or for a global IT company, we recommend searching for jobs on "GitTap", a job search site for global IT engineers. You will be able to find the right job from a wide variety of global IT jobs.
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Job seeker (IT engineer)
How to create a portfolio for a career working in a global environment
For changing jobs to advance your career, you may need a portfolio for your job search, depending on your profession. In particular, if you work in a global environment, you may need an English portfolio. However, if you have never created a portfolio before, you may not know what kind of portfolio will be effective for your career advancement.In this article, we will explain in detail the key points and procedures for creating a portfolio for a career working in a global environment. If you want to use your portfolio to successfully advance your career change, please refer to this article. If you are looking for a career change to work in a global environment, please use “GitTap”, a job site specializing in global environments.▼GitTap is HERE A portfolio is important for a career change to work in a global environmentA portfolio is a collection of work that summarizes your career to date. It is important to showcase your skills and experience when changing careers, but it is difficult to do so verbally or in writing. When creative professionals such as designers and engineers change careers, they can show their skills to companies by having them look at the designs and programs they have created while actually working. What you need is a portfolio of your past work.A portfolio is usually a list of the productions you have designed, websites you have created, and programs you have coded for the interviewer to look at. By listing the tools and languages you have used, you can also demonstrate the skills needed for the job. Many companies in a global environment are very meritocratic, so they are often looking for immediate job candidates who can work right away in a career change. Creating a portfolio is essential for a career change to a global environment, as it will showcase exactly what you can actually produce and what you are capable of.Reference: 転職に成功するポートフォリオの作り方!重要性やポイントを解説/Geekly MediaWhat kind of job requires a portfolio for a career change to work in a global environment?The following occupations require a portfolio for a career change to work in a global environment.Graphic DesignerWeb DesignerUI DesignerWeb DirectorWeb ProducerGame CreatorsCG DesignerIllustratorPhotographersEngineersProgrammerIn addition to the above, a portfolio is also effective for a career change to work in a global environment if you are a creative. Even if you do not have a portfolio in your job description, preparing one will help you stand out from others.Reference: 転職に有利なポートフォリオの作り方を職種別で解説/AQUENTWhat should we write in a portfolio for a career change to work in a global environment?There are four things you must write in your portfolio for a career change to work in a global environment. One of the most common portfolio mistakes is overstuffing your portfolio, making it difficult to read. To make your portfolio concise and easy to read, summarize the following four contents in an easy-to-understand manner.ProfileSkillsAreas of ExpertiseAchievementsProfileThe first step is to write a profile to introduce yourself so that people can get to know you. Although there is no need to expand your profile since you have a resume, it is essential to include a profile so that people will know who you are when your portfolio goes out on its own. Include a minimum of information such as name, photo, and contact information. Since a portrait photo is surprisingly important, we recommend that you have it taken at a photo studio or other location.It is also important to include information in your profile that can be used to promote yourself and confirm your personality and sense of style. Include your reasons for applying for the job, works of your favorite taste, people you refer to and respect in your work, and briefly tell the company about yourself.Reference: 企業に刺さるポートフォリオの自己紹介|職種別例文6選/PORTキャリアSkillsFor working in a global environment, it is very important to showcase your skills. This is because companies in a global environment want people who can work immediately, so if your skills match the needs of your career, you are more likely to be hired. Listing the duration and level of use of each of the languages and tools you can use will help the company determine if you are the kind of person they are looking for. Importantly, list the skills that will be needed at your new employer. If you do not know what type of work you will be doing, it is better to write extensively. Omit unnecessary information and describe what is appropriate for the company.Reference: グローバル企業の組織で活躍できる人材資質とは?/35ish Areas of ExpertiseIn addition to your skills, list your areas of expertise. This is because by describing your areas of expertise, it will be easier for the company to imagine what position you will be working in after you are hired. It is also important to be specific about what kind of work your skills can be used for. Including company-specific information will also demonstrate that you have carefully researched the company. Show how working for this company will benefit the company.Reference: ポートフォリオの上手な作り方7つ!どんな方向性で作るか考えよう/AcrovisionAchievementsNo matter how skilled you are, it is meaningless if you are not able to put those skills to use in the workplace. Achievements are a part of proving your skills and areas of expertise, so be sure to describe the designs and applications you have actually created, the intent of the project, and the method used to create them.A description of your work is a good way to convey what you are trying to showcase. Specific details of your achievements and the scale of your work are also highly appealing, so be sure to include the number of pages and accesses to the sites you have designed, as well as the number of steps you have coded.Reference: エンジニアのポートフォリオ参考例!必要な項目や作成する上でのポイントなどを紹介/Hipro TechTips for Creating a Portfolio for a Career Change to Work in a Global EnvironmentAn effective portfolio is required for a career change to work in a global environment. Here are six key points for creating an effective portfolio.Showcase your skillsCommunicate your careerCreate it in languages other than JapaneseWrite episodes related to your achievementsEmphasize designPrepare both paper and web versions Showcase your skillsThe most important thing when changing jobs in a global environment is to demonstrate the skills you have acquired. Describe in detail what kind of work you can use your skills for and what your skill level is. The most important thing to show in your portfolio is whether or not you can demonstrate skills that are useful at a practical level. If you have work experience, you can show that you have the ability to work immediately by providing the number of years of experience and specific details of the projects you were actually involved in. If you do not have work experience, use artifacts from your student days or hobbies to showcase your skills.Reference: ポートフォリオのサイズやページ数、フォーマットはどう決める? 気になる10個のポイント/Silicon Studio Agent Communicate your careerIt is also important to convey how you have worked in the past and your career. By describing in detail what size teams you have worked for, what positions you have held, and what kind of work you have done, it is easier for the company to understand how skilled you are.Reference: エンジニアの転職にポートフォリオは必要?ポイントや事例をご紹介/doda Create a portfolio in a language other than JapaneseIf you are aiming to change jobs in a global environment, create a portfolio in the company's official language. This will show that you are proficient in the languages used by the company, which will make it easier to get hired. For companies in a general global environment, a portfolio in English is effective. However, since the hiring manager may be Japanese, it is a good idea to prepare two types of portfolios, one in Japanese and one in English.Reference: 【デザイナー転職】外資系狙うなら英語という武器をプラスしよう!年収100万円アップ可能!/Webデザイナーのビジネス英語備忘録Write episodes related to your past achievementsIf you write about your past achievements, it will be easier to convey the specifics of your achievements by also writing about episodes related to them. Specifically, what difficulties you had in past projects, how you overcame them, and what you gained in the process.Specific episodes will convey not only the details of your achievements, but also your personality, your attitude toward work, and how you work with others. Include specific past episodes to let people know more about yourself.Reference: 【職業別】ポートフォリオサイトの内容は?プロフィールの書き方など/ジンドゥー Emphasize designIt is also important to design your portfolio in a way that is easy to read and understand. If you create it with the viewer in mind, you can show off your presentation and documentation skills. Especially in the case of design-related work, the size of the text and the ratio of work to explanation are also important, as your sense of style will be tested.Reference: 魅力的なポートフォリオの作り方!絶対入れたい5つの要素/マイナビクリエイターPrepare both paper and web versionsPrepare two types of portfolios, one for paper and one for the Web. For Web-related jobs, a Web portfolio can be used to show actual expressions and movements, which will help you showcase your career. However, considering the possibility that you may not be able to view it without an Internet connection or encounter problems, it is advisable to prepare a paper portfolio as well.Reference: ポートフォリオとは?書くべき内容や紙とWebでのメリットとデメリットも解説/departProcedures for Creating a Portfolio for a Career Change Working in a Global EnvironmentNow that you know the importance of a portfolio when changing careers to work in a global environment, you may be wondering where to start. However, many people do not know where to start when it comes to creating a portfolio. Here are some steps to creating a portfolio for a career change to a global environment.Reflect on your careerThink about the skills you want to showcaseDesign your portfolioReflect on your careerFirst, look back on your career and write it down in chronological order in the form of a personal timeline. By listing the types of projects you have been involved in, you can clarify your achievements. At this point, it is important to write down your past achievements anyway, without the need to neatly summarize them. You may be surprised to find that you have forgotten some of your past work, so take the time to recall it. Write down in detail the skills and achievements you gained from each achievement, and add episodes from that time if you remember them. You never know what kind of information will be useful for your appeal, so it is important to write it down anyway.Reference: 【徹底解説】ポートフォリオにおける自己紹介プロフィール作成時のポイントとは/デジハリONLINEThink about the skills you want to showcaseOnce you know what skills and experience you have, decide which of those skills and accomplishments you want to showcase in your portfolio. If you showcase all of your skills and achievements, your portfolio will be cluttered and difficult to read, so choose the content that best suits the company.For example, if you are looking for a new job at a website development company, it is recommended that you showcase your achievements in website development using the skills that the company is looking for. If you are applying to an IT company that is looking for programmers, you can showcase your experience in developing projects that are similar to the systems handled by the company. In this way, it is important to focus on the skills that the company is looking for and the projects that you have worked on.Reference: ポートフォリオの作り方で差がつく! 必須項目と格上げテクニックとは/マイナビ転職 Design your portfolioOnce you have decided what you want to include in your portfolio, think about a portfolio design that is easy to read and understand. It is not a good idea to simply list your skills and accomplishments, so decide what you want to emphasize the most and design your portfolio based on that.It is also important to decide on the main points of appeal, rather than including a list of things you want to showcase. There is not much information that an interviewer can read in a single interview. With limited information, focus on what appeals to the interviewer the most and communicate it clearly. Font size and text placement are also important. Once you have incorporated the content into your design, have a third party look at it objectively. If you want to develop your career in a global environment, use "GitTap"In this article, we have explained what to write in a portfolio to be used for job hunting in a global environment, key points to consider when writing a portfolio, and the procedure for creating a portfolio. When writing a portfolio, you need to make sure that the content is appropriate for the company you want to work for. However, if you want to work in a global environment, you must not only create a high quality portfolio, but you must first decide which company you will be looking for a new job with. This is where GitTap, a job search site for global IT engineers, comes in handy. It is a job search site for people who want to work in a global environment and has a collection of over 600 jobs specifically for the GLOBAL environment. Register for free and check out the jobs that interest you.▼GitTap is HERE
Job seeker (IT engineer)
What are the risks and the advantages of working abroad for Japanese engineers?
Although the number of engineers working overseas is increasing, there are some risks involved in working overseas as a Japanese engineer. However, there are certainly advantages to working overseas as well as risks. Let's learn about the benefits and risks of working overseas, and follow a sure path to growth as an engineer who can work globally.To find the best jobs for engineers working overseas, please use GitTap, a job site specializing in global IT jobs. You can find a wide variety of engineering jobs that specialize in global environments.▼GitTap is HEREBackground of the increasing number of engineers seeking to work overseasMore and more Japanese engineers are seeking to work overseas. While the general background is that working abroad can lead to personal growth and that they want to make use of their language skills, there are different reasons for engineers to do so. In the following section, we will explain in detail the detailed reasons why Japanese IT engineers are seeking to work overseas.Reference: 「海外での勤務」について(2013年版)/ミドルの転職Why Are Japanese Engineers Going Abroad?The following are five reasons why Japanese engineers are increasingly moving overseas.The status of engineers in Japan is not highThe Japanese work ethic does not suit engineersThe Japanese employment system does not suit engineersEngineers are in demand overseasEngineers overseas earn higher salariesThe status of engineers in Japan is not highIn today's IT-oriented society, the status of IT engineers seems to be high, but in Japan, the status of planning and sales staff tends to be considered higher than that of engineers. On the other hand, in the U.S. and other countries, the status of engineers is higher than other professions because of the awareness of investing in technology to develop companies and society. The difference in attitudes toward technology is reflected in the difference in the treatment of engineers in Japan and the United States.Reference: 日本のエンジニアは軽視されている?7つの理由と価値を上げる方法を解説/AcrovisionThe Japanese work ethic does not suit engineersIn Japan, there is a culture of collectivism, where people work together as a team, keeping working hours and demonstrating cooperation. Overseas, on the other hand, the emphasis is on getting the job done, and there is no great emphasis on start and finish times. Furthermore, in Japan, people sometimes spend work-related time outside of working hours, such as working overtime or having drinks with colleagues, while in other countries it is normal to take time off work for private reasons. Since many engineers seek a flexible work style and value their private time, an overseas work environment may be a better match for them than in Japan.Reference: 日本と海外の違いとは?エンジニアの働き方や仕事観、職場環境の比較まとめ[グローバルエンジニア2]/Fellowship The Japanese employment system does not suit engineersIn many Japanese companies, it is common to increase salary and benefits by working for one company for a long period of time through a seniority-based employment system. Engineers can improve their skills and abilities by acquiring knowledge and technology, but in Japan, it is difficult for this to be reflected in salary and benefits, no matter how much achievement is achieved. On the other hand, overseas engineers can work under a meritocracy in which they are treated better if they achieve results. For this reason, talented engineers seek overseas employment systems rather than the Japanese employment system.Reference: 海外の人事評価制度の特徴、日本と何が違う?/あしたの人事 Engineers are in demand overseasDemand for overseas engineers is on the rise, especially in Southeast and South Asian regions such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, and India, where IT and technological development are rapidly advancing and the number of IT engineers being hired is rapidly increasing. As a result, talented engineers are being surrounded by high treatment and high salary. The fact that there are more options for working overseas than in Japan, as well as higher compensation, is the reason why many engineers are seeking to go overseas.Reference: エンジニアが海外転職する3つの方法!メリット・デメリットや注意点を解説!/Leverages Career MexicoEngineers overseas earn higher salariesIn developed IT countries such as the U.S., European countries, and Israel, the salary level for IT engineers tends to be higher than in Japan, especially in the U.S. The salary level for excellent IT engineers in the U.S. is said to be more than twice that of Japan. Furthermore, overseas companies have a meritocratic environment, so engineers who achieve results have a chance to earn high compensation at a young age. If you are a talented engineer, there are many opportunities to earn remuneration commensurate with your achievements if you work overseas.Reference: 海外と日本のエンジニアの平均年収の違いとは?労働環境の差も解説/CAREER CHANGE ACADEMYWhat are the risks for Japanese engineers working overseas?While there are advantages to engineers working overseas, there are also risks. The following are five risks for Japanese engineers working overseas.Risk of dismissal is higher than in JapanMeritocracy is neededLanguage and cultural barriersSecurity and hygiene concernsNeed to obtain a work visaRisk of dismissal is higher than in JapanOverseas, there are opportunities to earn a high annual salary and high benefits at a young age if you produce good results, but there is also the risk of being dismissed if you fail to produce good results. In Japan, because of the seniority system and the protection of the rights of the employer, it is rare to be fired even if you fail to produce results, unless you cause a major problem. However, since employees are more likely to be fired for poor performance in foreign companies than in Japan, be aware of the high risk of losing your job and try to work overseas.Reference: 日系企業と外資系企業の違いを給与、社風、ワークスタイルの観点から比較/Career TANQMeritocracy is neededBecause foreign companies are meritocratic, you may be promoted to manager even if you have worked for less time than your elders, while at the same time you may risk being fired for poor performance even if you have worked for the same company for a long time. When working overseas, you must be prepared to compete in a strict meritocracy and take responsibility for your own poor performance.Reference: 実力主義で認められるチャンス?そもそも外資系とは?/ハタラクティブLanguage and cultural barriersAs long as you work overseas, you will inevitably have opportunities to use English and the local language. You should be prepared for the risk of having to work in a language that is not your native tongue, which can be a hurdle. In addition to language, common sense that was accepted in Japan may not be accepted at all overseas. It is necessary to understand that what is “normal” in Japan is not normal overseas, and to make efforts to adapt to the environment.Reference: 【前編】赴任前に知っておきたい異文化対処法/海外赴任LABSecurity and hygiene concernsJapan is known as one of the safest countries in the world. However, when working overseas, depending on the country or region, it may be difficult to go out at night, and you need to be careful about pickpockets and other crimes. In terms of hygiene, Japan is a clean country, but it is also important to fully understand the risk that you may not have the same standard of hygiene overseas.Need to obtain a work visaIn order to work overseas, you must obtain a work visa. Working without a visa is illegal, so be sure to look for a job that will grant you a visa. The government of the country where you will be working will provide you with information on the status of work visas and how to obtain one. Since some countries make it easier or harder to obtain a work visa than others, the ease of obtaining a visa is also important when choosing a country in which to work. Another risk of working abroad is that the procedures are more complicated than working in Japan.Reference: 海外移住でビザが取りやすい国はどこ?ビザの種類や費用を解説/RENOSY ThailandAdvantages of Working Abroad for Japanese Engineers Who Want to Work in a Global Environment While there are risks involved in working overseas, there are also advantages to working overseas for Japanese engineers who want to build a career in a global environment. The eight advantages of working overseas for Japanese engineers are as follows.Higher incomeImproving skillsChange your work and personal valuesBecome a global talentGain respectLearn the local languagePut your Japanese skills to useDirectly experience foreign culturesHigher incomeAs the number of engineers aiming to expand overseas is increasing, it is easier to earn a higher income working overseas than working in Japan. Especially for talented engineers, there are many opportunities to earn high income and high benefits at a young age, so if you have the skills, consider expanding your business overseas.Reference: 海外のITエンジニアの年収相場|世界で働くエンジニアの給与を紹介/コエテコcampusImproving skillsIn overseas work environments where meritocracy is firmly rooted, you can improve your skills through friendly competition among high-level engineers. In this environment, it is easy to maintain motivation to improve your skills because you can increase your position and salary depending on your own efforts. Change your work and personal valuesIn other countries, there is a culture of separating work and private life. It is easier to work flexibly than in Japan, for example, taking time off from work for family or taking long vacations. Therefore, one of the advantages of working overseas is that you can continue to work while valuing your private life.Reference: 海外のワークライフバランスとは? 取り組みをもとに働き方について考える/さくマガBecome a global talentBecoming a global human resource is one of the attractions of working overseas. If you have experience working in a foreign language and in a different culture, your market value as a global human resource will increase even after you return to Japan. By learning foreign language skills, a high level of expertise, and cross-cultural communication overseas, you may be able to work for a foreign company or manage foreign engineers after returning to Japan, thereby expanding the scope of your work.Reference: エンジニアにとってのスキルアップの重要性とは?ポイントと取り組み方も解説/35ish Gain respectEngineers tend to be respected more overseas than in the Japanese work environment. Therefore, working overseas will give you an advantage in terms of your position in the company and society. Engineers who want to be as active as sales and planning staff may feel the difference in treatment and position simply by working for an overseas company.Learn the local languageAnother advantage of working overseas is that you can learn not only English but also the local language in which you will be working. While English-speaking personnel can be found in Japan, if you can speak the local language and English, you will have one more skill that you can utilize in a global environment. By communicating with local engineers in the local language, you will be able to communicate in a way that is not possible with English alone. The advantage is that you will be able to facilitate communication when working with engineers from the country where you worked even after you return to Japan.Reference: 海外転職をかなえるために押さえておきたいポイント|メリット、語学力、海外求人の給与相場などをご紹介/SHIFTASIA Put your Japanese skills to useThe programming languages used by engineers are the same throughout the world, so there is no language barrier and you can utilize the skills you have developed in Japan. Another advantage is that there is almost no need to acquire new skills in order to expand overseas. Engineers have job opportunities all over the world, and the availability of high-paying jobs is another reason why it is easy to expand overseas.Reference: 未来に必要な世界共通の「言語」、コーディング/ヘイズジャパンDirectly experience foreign culturesOne of the advantages of working overseas is that you can directly experience cultures that do not exist in Japan. By working abroad, you will develop cross-cultural communication skills and acquire the ability to work with people of different cultures and values. Because you will be living in a culture and environment that is different from that of Japan, it will give you the opportunity to become aware of your own culture and values and to broaden your perspectives.How Japanese engineers can work abroadWorking abroad is risky, but many people may want to work abroad in a global environment after all. There are three ways for Japanese engineers to work overseas. Working for an overseas branch of a Japanese companyChange jobs at an overseas companyJoin an overseas company remotely while still in JapanWorking for an overseas branch of a Japanese companySome Japanese-affiliated companies that are expanding globally have overseas branches. By working for such a global Japanese company, you can gain experience in a global environment at a Japanese company and then take on the challenge of expanding overseas.People working in overseas branches of Japanese companies are often trained in Japanese corporate-style corporate and working culture, so another attraction of changing jobs to an overseas branch of a Japanese company is that they understand the Japanese way of working and values.Reference: 海外駐在員になるには?海外赴任したい方向けに元駐在員の僕が解説【海外勤務できる企業も紹介】/TravewriterChange jobs at an overseas companyIf you are a highly skilled IT engineer and have sufficient language and communication skills to work locally, you can easily find a job overseas, where demand for engineers is increasing. It is important to understand that there is a risk that the working culture and requirements for promotion may differ from those of Japanese companies, and it is necessary to play an active role in this environment.Reference: 海外就職する6つの方法とおすすめの国5選!失敗しないたった1つの方法とは?/DMM WEBCAMPJoin an overseas company remotely while still in JapanNow that remote work has become mainstream, it is possible to join an overseas company with a full remote work schedule while in Japan. This is a particularly good option for those who would like to experience working in a different culture before starting their life overseas, as it allows them to work for an overseas company while living in Japan.Reference:日本に居ながら海外の会社にリモートワークで働いていい給料をもらう方法/ジャバ・ザ・ハットリFirst, gain experience at a global company in Japan!If you are aiming to work abroad, we recommend that you first work for a global company in Japan. There are many foreign engineers working in IT companies in Japan. English is the official language of some companies, so there are opportunities to improve your language skills. By gaining experience at a global company in Japan, you will acquire skills, experience, and knowledge before you start working overseas."GitTap" is a great way to find jobs at global companies in Japan. "GitTap" is a job site specializing in global environment jobs in the IT industry, with over 600 IT x global jobs. You can also search for jobs by the percentage of foreign members or the percentage of foreign languages used, so you can efficiently find the job that suits you best.▼GitTap is HEREBefore going overseas as an engineer, work for a company in a global environment!In this article, we introduced the reasons, advantages, and risks for Japanese engineers to work overseas. While there are risks involved in working overseas as a Japanese engineer, there are also advantages to working overseas, such as the higher status of engineers and higher income and benefits than in Japan. If you find it difficult to work overseas, try working for a global company in Japan to gain experience in a global environment.Please use “GitTap” to search for global environment jobs in Japan. You can effectively search for jobs that allow you to utilize your engineering skills and work in a global environment.
Job seeker (IT engineer)
Portfolios for Engineers and Designers in Global Corporate Careers
A portfolio is essential to a career as an engineer, designer, or other creative professional. In this article, we will discuss how to create a portfolio for engineers and designers who want to build a career with a global company. We will cover the purpose, types, and necessary items for creating a portfolio, as well as the points that will be checked during job interviews to give you an edge in your career change to a global company.To help you in your job search for a global company, please use “GitTap”, which specializes in global environment jobs. You can search over 600 jobs for free, and if you register, you may be scouted by global companies you never thought you would find.▼GitTap is HEREWhat is a portfolio for career development?A portfolio is a collection of work that you submit along with a description of your career and the work you have been involved with. The original meaning of the word “portfolio” was “a collection of documents,” but the meaning has changed to “a collection of works” to demonstrate your abilities, competence, and skills to a client. A portfolio is mainly used for job hunting and is an effective item to show your career.For IT engineers, it is common to summarize in a portfolio the websites and applications they have created, the systems they can run, and the projects they have been involved in. Summarizing your available languages and experience as an engineer is a great way to showcase your career to a company.For designers, your portfolio should summarize the designs you have created. “Designers” in the IT and web industries include “web designers” and “graphic designers.” Web designers are the code and illustrations of the sites you have designed, Graphic designers should put together a portfolio of illustrations they have created, which will lead to an effective portfolio that can easily showcase their careers.Reference: エンジニア転職はポートフォリオで差がつく?未経験でも目指せ採用!Purpose of creating a portfolio for your careerThe purpose of creating a portfolio for your career is to summarize your work and briefly communicate your skills, abilities, and experience to clients. The skills of engineers and designers cannot be successfully communicated in writing or verbally. Therefore, it is important in your job search to compile a portfolio of work that shows the finished product at a glance. One of the purposes of creating a portfolio is to be able to communicate your skills to people outside the field.For engineers, it can show coding skills and the ability to create systems that actually work. If you have experience working on large projects and have deliverables, you can also demonstrate your collaborative skills through your portfolio. If you are a designer, you can show your design skills, ideas, and creativity; if you are a web designer, it is even more effective to include a summary of your work after it has been coded.A quality portfolio will also show that you are proactive in your approach to employment. Since creating a portfolio takes time and effort, putting in the effort to create a portfolio will convey your motivation. It is also important for portfolios submitted to global firms to show English-language commentary, work for international clients, and experience working on projects with foreign nationals. If the interviewer can see that you can communicate in English and that you can create work for international clients, your job search will be more favorable. However, the purpose of your portfolio will vary depending on the skills required by the company you are applying to. If you are unsure about creating a portfolio on your own, use the support of a recruitment agent or consult a career advisor.Reference: ポートフォリオとは何か/ポートフォリオの作り方Types of portfolios for building a career with a global companyFor building a career with a global company, there are two types of portfolios to submit.Web portfolioPaper portfolio Web PortfolioA web portfolio is a portfolio created on the web. The advantage of a web portfolio is that you can express your coding and programming, For web engineers and web designers, it is recommended to create a web portfolio because it can express actual expressions and movements, which can help promote their careers.On the other hand, the disadvantage of Web portfolios is that there are few services that support Japanese. However, when applying for a job at a global company, you may dare to use an overseas service to show that you have English reading comprehension skills.Reference: ポートフォリオの上手な作り方7つ!どんな方向性で作るか考えよう/AcrovisionPaper portfolioA paper portfolio is a portfolio printed on paper. You can create a portfolio of your works in PDF or other formats and print it out when necessary. Even if you are a web engineer or designer, it is a good idea to have a paper portfolio ready in case of an emergency. The disadvantage of paper portfolios is that they are not as easy to use as paper ones. The disadvantage of a paper portfolio is that it requires time and money to prepare and print out on paper each time it is used.Reference: ポートフォリオとは?書くべき内容や紙とWebでのメリットとデメリットも解説/departPortfolio items required for a career at a global companyThe following four items are essential when creating a portfolio to be submitted to a global company.Self-introductionSkillsDeliverablesContact informationSelf-IntroductionAt the beginning of your portfolio, you should include a self-introduction. In fact, since your personality and sense of style can be confirmed from your self-introduction, your skills and deliverables as well as the time of self-introduction are subject to evaluation. Self-introduce yourself by describing your appealing points, such as the reasons why you want to become an engineer or designer, your career history, and your special skills. If you include works of your favorite taste or people you refer to or respect in your work, your personality and business mindset will also be conveyed easily.For engineers and designers, not only the content of the text, but also the design of the portfolio is important. The layout should be easy to understand at a glance, and should be consistent and showcase the engineer's or designer's sense of style.Reference: 企業に刺さるポートフォリオの自己紹介|職種別例文6選/PORTキャリア SkillsBe sure to include a summary of your skills in your portfolio. The key is to make it easy to see at a glance the inner workings and technologies used, which are difficult to convey from your work alone. If you list the languages you can use for engineers and the tools you can use for designers, as well as the length of time you have been using each and the level of use, it will help the company determine whether you are the kind of person they are looking for.Along with your skills, listing the awards you have received for the work you have produced, internal awards, and other recognitions will help convey the career you have cultivated to date. If you are applying to a global company, you should also include your English language skills and any experience using services that are available outside of Japan.Reference: 【転職用】Webデザイナーのポートフォリオの作り方/Creators FactoryDeliverablesThe most important part of the portfolio is the deliverables. Include the actual applications and designs you created, and describe what applications and services you used. In particular, it is important to remember to include work and project experience that matches the skills and experience required by the company you are applying to. Do not be overly biased toward only the skills you are good at, but appeal to a wide variety of skills all the time.It is also important to make it easy to view your work by categorizing your deliverables by type as well as content. Make sure to showcase your deliverables to the best of your ability.Reference: エンジニアのポートフォリオ参考例!必要な項目や作成する上でのポイントなどを紹介/Hipro TechContact informationAt the end of your portfolio, include your contact information. Although your contact information is also included in your resume, it saves time for the company if they decide to hire you based on your portfolio and can immediately find your contact information. Devise a way to make sure your portfolio is complete even if it is the only one that can walk out on its own and into the hands of many different people. What recruiter at global companies look for in an "engineer's" portfolioFrom here, we will focus on the engineer's portfolio. The following three points are what global employers look for in an engineer's portfolio.Do you have the level of skills they are looking for?Are you proactive?Is the portfolio easy to read? Do you have the level of skills they are looking for?The most important point to check when hiring an engineer is whether or not the engineer has the skills that the company is looking for. In order to show that you are well versed in the field of expertise that the company is looking for, clearly state in detail the environment you used for development and be prepared to answer any questions that arise during the interview.Reference: エンジニアのポートフォリオの作り方【テンプレ公開】/DAINOTEAre you proactive?Your portfolio will be checked not only for your skills, but also for your personality, business mindset, and humanity. Especially for global companies, proactivity is required, so it is recommended that you include episodes and personal PR that showcase your proactivity. If you have marketing skills, management experience, or experience directing projects in addition to your work as an engineer, it would be effective to include them with your episodes.Reference: グローバル企業で働きたい!働くメリットや必要なスキルとは?/GitTap Is the portfolio easy to read?A portfolio is only effective if it conveys your skills, humanity, and motivation. No matter how many skills you have, if the portfolio itself is difficult to view and does not convey the value of your work, it is meaningless. Therefore, review your portfolio from the viewer's perspective to see if your work is organized by category, if the descriptions are easy to understand, and if the designs are not overly elaborate.Reference: ポートフォリオのサイズやページ数、フォーマットはどう決める? 気になる10個のポイント/Silicon Studio AgentWhat recruiter at global companies look for in a "designer's" portfolioNext, we will discuss the portfolio of a designer. The following three points are what employers at global companies look for in a designer's portfolio. Do you have knowledge of coding?Do you have a wide range of design skills?Is the information organized in an easy-to-read manner in portfolio?Do you have knowledge of coding?For web designers, whether or not a designer has knowledge of coding is the most important point to be checked in a portfolio. Although it is not necessary to be able to write full-fledged code, if you do not understand how HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code works, you may create designs that cannot be implemented on the website or you may not be able to communicate well with the coder. Your portfolio should also include your knowledge of coding, the tools you are exposed to, and the languages you are proficient in.Reference: WEBデザインのコーディングって何?できないといけないの?/株式会社日本デザインDo you have a wide range of design skills?Designers who can flexibly respond to the various needs of companies and clients are more likely to be entrusted with work, so designers who can create a wide range of designs are in high demand by companies. Before submitting your portfolio, make sure that the design of your deliverables is not biased, and that you are able to assert the skills and conceptual abilities that the company is looking for in your portfolio.Reference: こんなポートフォリオはダメ! デザイナーのための就活ポートフォリオのチェック項目5選!/noteIs the information organized in an easy-to-read manner in portfolio?As a designer, it is important that the information in your portfolio is organized in an easy-to-read manner. The design required for the Web should not only be beautiful and innovative, but also easy for users to use and find information. If the information in your portfolio is organized and easy to understand at a glance, it will show that you can design from the perspective of the users of the service.Reference: デザイナー志望者は必見! 採用されるポートフォリオを作る「た行」の法則/イーアイデムPortfolios are essential for engineers and designers in global company careersIn this article, we introduced the portfolios for engineers and designers that are required for global company careers. If you can create an attractive portfolio, you will be able to effectively communicate your skills, humanity, and business mindset. Create a portfolio that is informative, easy to read, and powerful, and you will have a good chance of changing jobs or finding employment.Engineers and designers who want to work in a global environment should use "GitTap", a job site specializing in global companies. With many engineer and designer jobs gathered here, you can efficiently search for jobs you are interested in. If you want to make use of the engineering and design skills you have cultivated so far and be active globally, please register with "GitTap" for free.▼GitTap is HERE
Job seeker (IT engineer)
For Globally-minded Designers|Examples of Career Design
Many designers may want to work in the global field in the future. However, how should globally-minded Web-based designers design their careers? In fact, how to design a career for a designer to be active in the global field differs depending on the designer's job title, such as UI designer or art director. In this article, we will discuss examples of career design for globally-minded designers, career advancement patterns for each type of designer job, and examples of how to respond in interviews. If you want to find a job as a designer who can work in a global environment, please use “GitTap,” a job site specializing in global environments.▼GitTap is HEREExamples of Career Design for Globally-minded DesignersFirst, let's take a look at some examples of career design for designers who actually aim to work in a global environment. By specifically designing your career as shown in these examples, you will be able to clarify what you should do at what age and when. If you are a designer who wants to be active in a global environment in the future, please refer to the three career design examples we are going to introduce hereafter.No.1: Examples of Career Design for a Globally-minded Designer The first career design example is that of a designer who wants to gain experience as a web designer at a Japanese manufacturer and then move to a global IT company to become a web director and increase his annual salary.Future goal: To move to a global company by 40s and work overseas as a web directorCurrent situation: A new graduate in third year working as a web designer for a domestic manufacturerCurrent language skills: TOEIC score of 650≪Example of career design to achieve your goal≫To 30s: Aiming for TOEIC score of 800 while acquiring skills as a web designerEarly 30s: Learn project management knowledge and gain experience as a web director at a Japanese companyLate 30: Transfer to a global IT company and work as a web director40s and up: Increase annual income by working overseasThis is an example of a career design in which the annual salary of a web designer at the Japanese company where you are currently working is low and the environment is not global, so you aim to increase your annual salary by changing to a global company. I am considering a career path where I can advance my career as a web director, where I can aim for high income, and then acquire English skills to move to a global IT company.One of the challenges of career design is that it is difficult to improve your English skills while building up your web designer skills. In order to acquire English language skills while working, I need to be exposed to English every day by utilizing my skimmer time. In order to transition from a designer to a web director with no experience, you need to refer to the work of your bosses and seniors at work, acquire qualifications, etc.Reference: 英会話は何歳まででもはじめられる!忙しい社会人でも続けられる英語学習方法&挫折しないポイント/Bizmates BlogNo.2: Example of a Career Design for a Globally-minded DesignerThe second example is of a web designer at a website production company who wants to work in a global environment as an art director after gaining skills as a UI and UX designer. Future goal: To work in a global environment as an art director by 40sCurrent situation: In 5th year with the company, working as a web designer at a website production companyCurrent language skills: Never taken TOEIC≪Example of career design to achieve your goal≫To 30s: Acquire skills as a UI designer and UX designer, aiming to score 700 on the TOEICEarly 30s: Work as a UI and UX designer, aiming for TOEIC score of 800Late 30s: Transfer to a global IT company and aim to become an art director40s and up: Work as an art directorIf you work as a web designer at a domestic company, it will be difficult to increase your annual income because the range of work is limited. Therefore, this is an example of a career design in which you acquire the skills of a UI designer and UX designer, and move on to an art director who can direct all aspects of web design. If you change jobs to a global IT company that is based on a performance-based system, you can expect to increase your annual salary from a young age.The challenge in this career design example is to hone your skills as a UI designer and UX designer while studying English, which you have never done before, in your 20s. After working as a UI and UX designer, the young designer can move to a global company in his/her 30s and work his way up to art director. Art directors are in high demand overseas. Since art directors are in high demand overseas, you can expect to work overseas based on your experience at a global company.Reference: 忙しい社会人のための3ステップの英語勉強法と使えるツール5選【継続のコツも解説】/Bizmates BlogNo.3: Example of a Career Design for a Globally-minded DesignerThe third career design example is an example of a designer who is considering changing careers to a global IT consulting firm as a consultant by utilizing his experience as a web director.Future goal: To move to a global IT consulting firm and increase my annual salaryCurrent situation: A web director at a website production company and have been with the company for 8 years.≪Example of career design to achieve your goal≫Early 30s: Gain experience in consulting, aiming for TOEIC score of 800Late 30s: Change jobs to a global IT consulting firm40s and up: Work globally as a consultantThis is an example of a career design in which you would like to work as a consultant in the future, rather than handling orders at a web production company as you do now. By changing jobs to a global company, he thought he could increase the scope of his work and aim for a higher annual salary.In his early thirties, he will gain experience in consultancy and make a mark, and at the same time acquire English skills. I will change to an IT consulting company in my late 30s, and in my 40s, I will work as a consultant in a global environment and aim to increase my annual income. This is an example of a career design in which you aim to increase your annual income while working in a global environment as a consultant in your 40s.Reference: 「日本発・アジア発」のグローバル企業で、世界に通用する価値観とキャリアを磨く!/the japan times for womenPatterns of Career Advancement for DesignersThe term “designer” covers a wide range of occupations. Let's take a look at the career advancement patterns of designers by job category. UI DesignerUI designers are responsible for designing websites and applications to make them easier for users to use. There are career paths such as becoming a UX designer by honing SEO knowledge and marketing skills, or becoming an administrator by honing project management skills.However, becoming a manager can present hurdles, such as not being able to do the design work you want to do. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind what you want to do and where you want your career to go.Reference: WebUI/UXデザイナーの違いとは?それぞれの仕事内容や必要スキル、資格を紹介/Engineer LaboUX DesignerUX designers are designers who design sites and applications based on the thoughts and experiences of users. In addition to excellent UI design, UX designers need to design output that satisfies customer needs, and they also need knowledge of SEO and marketing, site analysis, and other skills. In addition to site design, they analyze user access history and behavior to design the entire site or application.Career paths for UX designers include becoming a specialist or a project manager after gaining experience as a UX designer, etc. If you have good communication and sales skills in addition to UX designer skills, you can also work as a freelance UX designer. If you have good communication and sales skills in addition to UX designer skills, you can also work as a freelance UX designer.Reference: UXデザイナーとは?主な仕事内容や求められるスキルを紹介/Schoo for BusinessArt DirectorAn art director is a position that directs overall projects related to website and application development design, utilizing experience and skills as a UI or UX designer to manage overall projects related to web design, including project planning, planning, and management, This position also includes design checks and other tasks.By gaining experience as an art director, you can advance your career as a consultant on web design, a web-related creative director, or a web producer. In this case, you will need not only skills as a designer, but also project management and marketing skills.Reference: アートディレクターとは?気になる仕事内容からなるために必要なスキルまで徹底解説します!/Geekly MediaConsultantConsultants provide companies with advice and support on website and application design. In response to requests from companies to increase the number of hits on their websites, boost sales of their e-commerce sites, etc., consultants support companies by applying their advanced knowledge and skills related to web design. Advanced knowledge and skills in web design and marketing are required to solve corporate issues.The career path for consultants includes building a track record and starting their own business as a consultant. Working as a consultant for a global or foreign company is another career path.Reference: Webコンサルティングとは?依頼前に知っておきたい基礎知識・コンサル会社の選び方・注意点を解説!/Web幹事Web Director A web director oversees the production of websites and applications, manages members, projects, solves problems, and trains junior staff, etc. In addition to knowledge and skills in website and application production, project management skills and negotiation skills with other departments and clients are also required.There is a path to becoming a web director after gaining experience as a UI designer, etc., and then to a web producer. In addition to design-related skills and techniques, project management skills and other multifaceted skills are required.Reference: Webディレクションとは具体的に何する仕事?/Webディレクターになるには?調べるなら【ディレタマ】Graphic DesignerGraphic designers are in charge of graphic design for websites and applications. They hone their design knowledge and skills to create outstanding designs. They must consider not only the beauty of the design, but also the ease of use for the user. Career paths include gaining experience as a graphic designer, becoming a web director, or establishing an independent designer's office.Reference: グラフィックデザインとは?グラフィックデザイナーの仕事内容と必要なスキルを解説/dhuExample of a response when asked about a designer's career design in interviewsWhen you are interviewed as a designer, it is not uncommon to be asked about your future career design. Here are three examples of how you should respond to such questions.Reference: 【例文付き】デザイナーのキャリアプランの考え方・面接での答え方の3つのポイント/HRtableExample No.1: In case of aiming to become a project managerAfter working on XX and XX projects as a web designer, I gained experience as a web director and was entrusted with projects. I would like to manage the entire project as a project manager in two years, making the most of my experience in directing the development of websites that meet customer requirements.Example No.2: In case of aiming to become an art directorThrough my work as a web designer, I learned about UI design that customers demand and UX design for profitable websites and gained work experience. I would like to make the most of this experience and become an art director within 3 years, and create e-commerce sites that increase customer sales. Example No.3: In case of working as a globalI have a lot of skills and experience in website development, having worked on a number of profitable website production projects for clients at a web production company. I have gained the trust of clients not only by giving shape to their requests, but also by repeatedly making proposals that generate profits for them. I would like to utilize this experience and my English ability to provide consulting services for website development for clients not only in Japan but also in various other countries.Let's set a clear career design for globally oriented designersIn this article, we explained examples of career design for globally oriented designers, career advancement patterns for each designer job category, and examples of how to respond at interviews. The actual career development designs of globally oriented designers show that it is essential for them to improve their skills as designers in addition to their skills in other occupations.If you want to find a job that allows you to work as a designer in a global environment, please use “GitTap,” a job search site for global IT engineers. This job search site specializes in IT jobs for people who want to work in a global environment and handles a variety of design-related jobs. You will be able to find a job where you can utilize your experience and skills as a designer and work in a global environment.▼GitTap is HERE
Job seeker (IT engineer)
What Careers Can Lead to a Global Career - 20 IT Industry Occupations
Any job in the IT industry can lead to a career as a global IT engineer. However, you also need to acquire competencies and improve your skills to be globally active. In this article, we will discuss 20 occupations where you can have a global career and how to improve your skills to work globally. If you want to work in a global company or in the future, please refer to this article to improve your skills.If you want to work in the IT industry in a global environment, we recommend “GitTap,” a job site specializing in global environment jobs. There are a variety of jobs registered that specialize in global environments, so aim to improve your skills at the companies you are interested in.▼GitTap is HERE20 occupations that will enable you to build a career for a global careerThe IT industry offers a wide variety of occupations, but here we introduce 20 occupations that will help you develop a career that will allow you to be active on the global stage.System development (web and open systems)Web and open systems development engineers are occupations that develop web applications, web systems, and open systems. Since programming languages common worldwide such as HTML, CSS, PHP, and Python are essential for development, you will be able to work in a global environment if you improve your skills.Reference: 実はWebサイトを作るには複数の言語が必要! 何が必要か徹底解説/SAMURAI ENGINEER BlogSystem Development (Mobile Systems)Mobile system development involves the development of applications and tools for smartphones. If you acquire iOS and Android application development techniques and improve your skills, you can become a global engineer who can work all over the world. U.S. companies, so information for developers is often available in English.Reference: モバイルアプリ開発エンジニア/福岡デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校 System development (AI and machine learning)The knowledge and skills of AI and machine learning system engineers are in increasing demand around the world. Demand is particularly high for technologies that allow machines to learn large amounts of data and technologies that allow AI to make decisions, and if you acquire the skills and improve your skills, you will be able to play an active role worldwide.Reference: AIの発展で需要が増す「AIエンジニア」とは?具体的な仕事内容/AI smileySystem development (general-purpose systems)General-purpose systems refers to systems that are incorporated into general-purpose machines called mainframes or systems development based on general-purpose machines from scratch. System development technology for general-purpose systems is also in high demand around the world. If you improve your skills in programming languages suitable for general-purpose systems and design principles for general-purpose systems, you will have a better chance of being active in a global environment.Reference: 汎用機 (general purpose computer)とは?オープン系・Web系との違いを解説/Brain GateSystem development (control and embedded systems)This type of work involves the development of systems embedded in home appliances, cars, etc. With the advance of IoT, there is a high need for control and embedded systems development technology worldwide, and this type of work can be utilized in a global environment.System development (package and middleware systems)Package and middleware system development is an occupation in which software is developed in-house and marketed as a product. The software developed by the company includes accounting software, personnel and payroll software, accounting software, and customer management software, which are sold not only in Japan but also throughout the world. Therefore, by acquiring package and middleware system development techniques and knowledge and improving your skills, you can be active on a global scale.Reference: プログラマーとは?プログラマーの7つの職種と違いについて詳しく解説!/DProServer Network EngineerServer and network engineers are professionals who design, build, change settings, and operate server and network equipment environments. Since such infrastructure equipment is used worldwide, the skills and experience as an infrastructure engineer will be useful in a global environment as you improve your skills.Reference: サーバー・ネットワークエンジニアのお仕事/WEB STAFFQA, tester, and quality controlThese are engineers who perform quality control in system development projects. They perform quality analysis and countermeasures by analyzing and verifying the number and trends of errors and bugs in design document reviews, the skill level of the person in charge, and the level of difficulty of the project. Quality control work is required at any development site, so if you improve your skills, you can work in a global environment.Technical SupportTechnical support engineers are engineers who respond to technical inquiries from users, deal with errors, and deal with problems. As long as you have foreign language skills, you will be able to work in a global environment. If you have not only foreign language skills but also in-depth knowledge of systems, products, and services, you will be able to improve your skills to be active in a global environment.Reference: テクニカルサポートエンジニアとは?仕事内容・年収・キャリアパスまで徹底解説/CAREER CHANGE ACADEMYProject Manager/Project LeaderProject managers are responsible for planning, planning, and managing system development projects, and project leaders are responsible for leading teams. Staff members who are in a position to lead projects are needed around the world, so you will be able to work in a global environment. However, if you work for a global company, it is highly likely that you will have a variety of nationalities among your team members. Therefore, it is essential to improve your English skills as well as your work-related skills.Reference: 「プロジェクトマネジメント」×「英語」 40歳代半ばから英語に取り組んだ経験/noteBridge SEA bridge SE is a position that serves as a link between the development site in the country and the client when development work is outsourced overseas. Originally, bridge SEs serve as a bridge between Japan and overseas, so no matter what kind of company you work for, if you improve your skills, you will be able to build a global career. Bridge SEs are also likely to be stationed overseas, making this a perfect occupation for those who want to work overseas.Reference: ブリッジSE/大塚商会In-house SE and system managementThis occupation involves the management of company computers, network equipment, and other equipment, environment management, and account management for in-house systems. In-house SE and system administration jobs are needed in every country, so if you improve your skills, you can make use of your experience at IT companies around the world.Product ManagerProduct managers are responsible for and have decision-making authority over a company's products, such as IT equipment and software. They are responsible for product management and sales promotion. Business AnalystBusiness analysts are responsible for communicating the intentions of management to the development department and correctly defining project requirements. This occupation is in particularly high demand in large companies, and may also be used in global companies. Business analysts are also needed in overseas companies, so if you can improve your skills, you may be able to work overseas.Reference: 「いつどこに転勤になってもOK!」世界で活躍するビジネスアナリストを目指すチャレンジ/PFU JOURNAL Database EngineerDatabase engineers are responsible for database design, construction, operation, and management of systems. This type of work is required in most system development sites, and is needed not only in Japan but also around the world. With database knowledge and skills, you can work as an engineer in a variety of fields, making it one of the most useful positions for your future career development.Reference: データベースエンジニアに将来性はない?需要やキャリアパスから徹底検証/フリーランスのミカタProduct development and researchThis occupation involves utilizing advanced knowledge and technology to create new products and technologies. Since they sometimes develop products to be deployed in the global market, there is a high possibility that they will be active as global IT personnel.Reference: グローバル市場展開に向けた製品開発マネジメント /北陸先端科学技術大学院大学Pre-sales and sales engineerPre-sales engineers and sales engineers are sales representatives of IT companies. They visit customers together with salespeople to propose new systems to customers and provide customer support after the systems have been introduced. By acquiring in-depth knowledge of products and services and the accompanying English language skills and improving your skills, you can play an active role in global companies.Reference: 今さら聞けないプリセールスエンジニアとセールスエンジニアの違い/Aidma HoldingsIT ConsultantIT consultants help companies solve their IT problems and support the implementation of IT systems. With high consulting skills, they can work in a wide range of global companies.Data ScientistData scientists collect and analyze data that can be used to solve problems and develop strategies. The need for data scientists is increasing in many companies as the trend to utilize large amounts of data for marketing activities is progressing around the world.Reference: データサイエンティストの仕事は難しい?ビジネススキルを活かして企業成長を支えよう/Freelance hubOther EngineersIn addition to the 19 job categories introduced here, engineers have a variety of other job categories, such as back-end engineers, business application engineers, and security engineers. All of these engineering positions are needed in every country, so you can make the most of your experience and skills in a global environment.Skills required to be active in a global environmentThe following skills are required to be active in a global environment.Language skillsCommunication skillsCooperativeness and flexibilitySpirit of challengeAbility to concentrateLanguage skillsLanguage skills are essential for success in a global environment. If a company attracts personnel of various nationalities, English skills are necessary, as it is a global language. In order to communicate with overseas members and customers, a high level of English proficiency is required, with a TOEIC score of 700 or higher. In addition to general English conversation skills, you must also understand specialized English that is specific to your business.Reference: グローバル人材にTOEICは必要?現場で求められる資質を解説/Bizmates Blog Communication skillsEven if you have good language skills, you will not be able to do your job if you have poor communication skills. Global engineers, in particular, need to be able to communicate in the face of language barriers, so they need to have higher communication skills. Since values and cultures differ from country to country, you should acquire global communication skills, which are the ability to communicate with a global mindset.Reference: グローバルコミュニケーション力とは?その重要性と習得方法/神田外語キャリアカレッジCooperativeness and flexibilityIn order to cooperate and work with foreigners who have different cultures, languages, and work styles, a high level of cooperation and flexibility is necessary. Since there are cultural and religious differences with foreigners, it is also necessary to accept different values. Cooperativeness and flexibility will help members of the team to avoid conflicts and move the project toward the goal in the shortest time possible.Reference: グローバル人材の定義とは?必要なスキルや人材育成の流れを分かりやすく解説/MySeries Spirit of ChallengeIt is not easy to survive in a global environment if you do not have the spirit to take on new challenges and can only do what you are told. In particular, most overseas companies are results-oriented, and if you are not proactive about your work, you will be evaluated as not being able to do your job.Reference: グローバル企業で働きたい!働くメリットや必要なスキルとは?/GitTapAbility to concentrateMost IT jobs require a high level of concentration because of the long hours spent working at a computer. You need to be able to concentrate on your work when you need to concentrate, and refresh yourself and nourish your energy when you are not at work. When you are able to focus on your work with a high level of concentration, you will be able to produce good results and earn a high reputation.Reference: IT・クリエイティブに必要なスキルって?/しごと計画学校How to improve your skills to be active in a global environmentIn order to be active in a global environment, it is essential to improve your skills on a daily basis. New knowledge and skills are constantly emerging in the IT industry, so it is necessary to have a proactive attitude to improve your skills on a daily basis. The following are three ways to improve your skills to be successful in a global environmentExposure to English every dayTake action without fear of failureThink from multiple perspectivesExposure to English every dayTo be active in a global environment, it is essential to improve your language skills through daily exposure to English. Since it is difficult to study English every day in a classroom setting, it is recommended to adopt study methods that are easy to adopt, such as watching English conversation videos on YouTube, watching English conversation programs on TV, and reading English newspapers to be exposed to English every day. While an English conversation school or correspondence course is a good way to learn English, daily exposure to English will make it easier to acquire English skills.Reference: 日本にいながら日常的に英語に触れる方法【失敗しない!英語学習法動画シリーズ ②】/Bizmates BlogTake action without fear of failureIn order to acquire the “communication skills” and “challenging spirit” required for success in a global environment, it is important to take action without fear of failure. If you change your mindset, such as by actively talking to people and trying different ways of doing things, you will change your behavior. It is also important to stop procrastinating and making excuses, and to have clear goals. If you are too hard on failure, you will be too lazy to take action, so a certain level of tolerance for failure is required.Reference: 行動力がある人に共通する特徴と高める方法/GLOBIS CAREER NOTEThinking about things from multiple perspectivesIn order to improve your skills of “cooperation and flexibility” and “concentration,” get into the habit of thinking about things from multiple perspectives on a regular basis. In a global company that communicates with people from many different countries, it is essential to think from multiple perspectives. It is important to be conscious of how you think on a regular basis, such as not making assumptions about others and thinking that there is more than one way to do things.Reference: 国際的視野を身に付けるのに必要なこと/HIPSTER GATELet's build a career and improve your skills that allows you to work globally!In this article, we have explained the types of jobs in the IT industry where you can build your career, the abilities you need to be globally active, and how to improve your skills. in the IT industry, you can develop your career in any job in a globally active environment. If you want to work as an engineer in a global environment, GitTap, a job search site for global IT engineers, is for you.GitTap is a job site specializing in the global environment, with over 600 jobs in the IT industry, so you can choose the job that fits your criteria and develop your career to be successful in a global environment. All services are free of charge, so you can start by registering. By improving your skills in parallel with your job search, you may be able to be active immediately after you find a job.▼GitTap is HERE
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