How to answer “reasons for leaving your last job” in Japanese job interviews

“Reasons for leaving your last job” is one of the most common questions for job interviews in Japan. According to the research conducted by En Japan, one of the famous recruitment agencies, this was the third most common question asked by recruiters in job interviews.
Japanese companies often adopt a long-term employment system which provides stability to employees. This is why it is important for recruiters to investigate if the candidates intend to work for the companies for a certain time.
On the other hand, “reasons for leaving your last job” is the most difficult question to answer for candidates according to the research. Since recruiters examine if you intend to work for the company for a certain time, it is not enough to tell why you left your jobs. Abrupt answers could give recruiters a negative impression. It is important to tell positive reasons while not being untruthful.
This article describes what recruiters look for in your “reasons for leaving your last job”, as well as tips on how to answer the question.
Table of Contents
What recruiters want to know through “reasons for leaving your last job”
Attitude towards work
Firstly, recruiters want to know your attitude towards work. In Japan, companies try to provide stability to employees by investing in training and education for their employees. This leads them to look for candidates who want to work for the company long-term.
If you have changed your job several times in a short period, it is a good idea to describe reasons in detail. Remember, in this fast-changing world, candidates who have spirits of entrepreneurship and try new things with their own goals are valued. It could be an opportunity to show your strengths to recruiters.
Since workplace harmony is important for Japanese companies, recruiters investigate “personality” and “compatibility” of candidates. According to a survey for recruiters in the creative industry, one of the common reasons for rejecting candidates was “negative attitudes towards their last job”. Recruiters examine the candidates’ personality through how they answer this question.
How to describe “reasons for leaving your last job”
Be honest
Recruiters are professionals at seeing through people; if you are not telling the truth, they are the ones who can see it immediately. This could be worse than telling recruiters dishonourable reasons for quitting your jobs, since it gives them the impression that you are not an honest person.
Do not blame your bosses or your company
It is common for candidates to blame their bosses or companies they worked for when they tell reasons for resignation from work. Many recruiters do not reject candidates who quit jobs because they wanted higher salary, or wanted to connect with new people.
However, saying bad things about others does affect whether they hire you. When you need to explain reasons for leaving your last jobs, it is important to explain “facts”, “causes” and “how you would improve” subjectively.
Reflect your career plan
Explaining reasons for quitting jobs along with your career plan is important since it makes you a valuable candidate who plans your own career actively and acts on it. It will help recruiters understand your career plan as well.
Example answers
Case 1: Leaving jobs for a higher salary
Try to explain your salary requirements in detail as well as how you tried to improve the situation. It is important not to be ambiguous with answers such as “I left my last job because the salary was not high enough”.
Case 2: Leaving jobs for connecting with new people
You should avoid saying bad things about your bosses and colleagues in the previous companies. If you left your last job because of poor work relationships, you should instead tell the recruiters what caused them and how you would improve next time objectively.
Case 3: Leaving jobs because of cultural incompatibility with the companies
As well as Case 2, it is important to describe the origins of the problems and how to improve next time. Avoid saying bad things about the companies you worked for.
“Reasons for leaving your last job” is one of the most common questions during job interviews in Japan. By asking this question recruiters examine if candidates intend to work for the companies for a certain time.
Although some Japanese companies prefer employees who work long-term, as companies need to adapt to today’s fast-changing society, more and more companies hire employees based on skills and experiences.
If you are anxious about job interviews that require understanding of the traditional business culture, it is a good idea to start looking for companies who hire employees based on skills. Some job sites are specifically made for these types of jobs.
GitTap is one of them. It is a job website for non-Japanese IT engineers, which has a lot of high skilled jobs. With GitTap, you can not only browse jobs but also get scouted by companies. This allows even busy candidates to seize the chance to move on to the next career.
Feel free to start browsing jobs on GitTap and check if there are any jobs you are interested in. Registration is free!
The post How to answer “reasons for leaving your last job” in Japanese job interviews first appeared on GitTap BLOG.
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Job seeker (IT engineer)
How to build a corporate career in a global environment in Tokyo
To develop your career as an IT engineer, you need to work in an environment where it is easy to advance your career. A representative example of an environment where it is easy to advance your career is a company with a global environment where your abilities are easily evaluated. By focusing your job search on companies in Tokyo, where there are many jobs and many excellent engineers, you can achieve effective career development.In this article, we will explain the advantages of working in a global environment, how to work for a company in a global environment while in Tokyo, and how to find a global company. If you want to efficiently search for global jobs in Tokyo, we recommend “GitTap” which specializes in global environment jobs.▼GitTap is HEREMore and more people want to work in a global environmentIn recent years, the number of people who want to work in a global environment has been increasing. Many Japanese companies have a seniority-based system, and it is difficult to get promoted if you are young, even if you have good skills. There is also a strong culture of respect for superiors, and many companies still retain values such as the difficulty of refusing a boss's invitation to a drinking party or the prohibition of leaving before the boss does. However, many companies in a global environment are meritocratic, and career advancement is possible if you produce results in your work. Because of the rationalistic and efficiency-oriented way of working, you are rarely bothered by unnecessary meetings and drinking sessions. The number of people who want to work in a global environment that is open and allows them to express their abilities in a relaxed and spontaneous manner is on the rise.Reference: グローバル人材の確保状況等に関する企業の意識調査/総務省What are the advantages of working in a global environment?As mentioned above, the number of people who want to work in a global environment is increasing because of the following advantages of working in a global company.Easier to build a careerHigher salaryWork in a diverse environmentImprove language skillsDevelop ability to respond and communicate effectively Easier to build a careerIn most cases, companies in a global environment place a high value on job performance. If you produce results in your work, such as improving operational efficiency or developing high quality systems, you can expect to receive a promotion and salary increase, which will help you develop your career. On the other hand, at Japanese-affiliated companies, even if you produce good results, in many cases you will not be promoted or receive a raise due to various factors such as length of service, age, or cliques. For those who want to pursue career advancement without being restricted by age or position, a company with a global environment that rewards results is the right choice.Reference: グローバル化が崩す年功制/日本経済新聞Higher salaryCompanies in a global environment will fairly evaluate employees who are capable and deliver results in their work. Therefore, the more results you produce, the higher your salary will be. In many Japanese companies, which are characterized by a gradual increase in salary based on seniority, if you work until retirement, you will eventually receive a higher salary and retirement benefits. However, when you are young, it is difficult to get a large salary increase no matter how much you achieve. For those who want a high salary from a young age, it is a great advantage to build a career in a global environment.Reference: 外資系企業の年収は日系企業の約2倍!その理由を徹底解説/35ishWork in a diverse environmentIn a global environment, you will naturally be able to spend time in a diverse environment as you interact with staff and clients from many different countries. If you work for a Japanese company in Japan, you will meet many people with similar ideas and values. By working for a company in a global environment, you will encounter new values that you have never encountered before. By becoming accustomed to non-Japanese ways of thinking and values, you will be able to adapt well when you have a career abroad in the future.Reference: グローバル企業で感じる”リアル”なダイバーシティー/noteImprove language skillsOne of the advantages of working in a global environment is that you can improve your English and other foreign language skills, as communication in foreign languages is necessary when you have many opportunities to interact with foreigners in a global environment. You will acquire business-level foreign language speaking, reading, and writing skills that cannot be acquired by studying at an English conversation school. In a global environment, English proficiency is a major factor in one's career, so those who have always been good at English may be able to aim for a better career than others by working for a company in a global environment.Reference: 【グローバル人材のキャリアに関する実態調査】93.1%が「英語力がキャリアに影響した」と回答/PR TIMESDevelop ability to respond and communicate effectivelyBy working with non-Japanese who have completely different cultures, ways of thinking, and ways of working, you will acquire a high level of responsiveness and communication skills. In Japan, the culture of “perceiving” is deeply rooted, so it is possible to have others understand your feelings to some extent even if you do not express your own opinions. However, in countries other than Japan, there is no culture of “perceiving,” and one's feelings cannot be conveyed unless one asserts one's feelings. By working for a global company, you will develop the ability to respond and communicate in any country.Reference: 今こそ言語化が重要!業務において不用な日本人の“察する文化”/北浜グローバル経営株式会社Examples of IT Global Companies in Tokyo where you can build your careerThe number of global companies in Japan is increasing, and it is not difficult to build a career in a global environment while living in Tokyo. There are many different types of global environment companies in Tokyo, but IT companies are particularly recommended. There is a high concentration of IT companies in Tokyo, and many foreigners work for IT companies due to the shortage of engineers. Therefore, many IT companies in Tokyo offer jobs where you can work in a global environment. Let's take a closer look at jobs at companies in Tokyo that offer a global environment.Reference: IT産業の東京一極集中の現状/大正大学地域構想研究所 Systems DevelopmentSystem development refers to engineers who create systems to improve the structure for smooth operations. System development requires a variety of skills, and one company in Tokyo is looking for a machine learning engineer with Python skills. This is a full-time position with annual salary starting at 5.5 million yen, and remote work is available if you live in Japan, so people who do not live in Tokyo can also apply. Required skills include experience in software development, working experience in machine learning, basic knowledge of security, and daily conversational level of English. Many of our members are non-Japanese, so you will be able to develop your career in a global environment.Reference: システム開発とは?手順や依頼時の注意点を紹介/発注ラウンジ Infrastructure EngineerTokyo, where many people live, has a well-developed infrastructure, and the existence of infrastructure engineers who design and maintain such infrastructure is indispensable. There are various types of infrastructure, and one company in Tokyo is looking for an AWS/Azure infrastructure engineer. If you have a career in building and operating AWS and Azure, you can apply for a full-time job with an annual salary of 6 million yen or more.Reference: インフラエンジニアとは?仕事内容や必要なスキル、キャリアパスを解説/type転職エージェント TesterA tester is a person who checks whether a program works without problems. Since large-scale development always requires testing, the existence of testers is indispensable. Especially in Tokyo, where major IT companies are concentrated, testers are expected to be in higher demand than in rural areas. Since many engineers are involved in large-scale development, there is also the possibility of communicating directly with foreign engineers. As testers develop their careers, they may be involved in development work, so let's build our careers in a global environment.Reference: テスターとはなに?仕事内容から将来性までわかりやすく解説!/RUNTEQ BLOGTips for building a career in a global environment in TokyoNot everyone can easily work for a company in a global environment. Here are three points that you should do in order to work for a global company.Improve language skillsClarify what you want to doUnderstand different cultures Improve language skillsCompanies in a global environment require a high level of language skills. Without a certain level of English proficiency, you will not even be able to enter a global company, so it is important to acquire a high level of language skills before changing jobs. It is said that to reach the level required to work for a foreign company, you need to have a TOEIC score of 800 or higher for English. It is important to acquire business-level English skills, focusing on English that is relevant to your industry. Some companies may require language skills other than English. If you want to further develop your career, learn a different language in addition to English.Reference: ビジネスレベルの英語力ってどのくらい?一般的な基準とオススメの勉強方法3選/Bizmates Blog Clarify what you want to doBefore working in a global environment, make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to do and in what direction you want to advance your career. If you do not have a clear idea of what you want to do, you will not be able to choose the right job for you. Whether you want to increase your salary, have a job you want to do, or improve your working environment, be clear about what you want before you start your job search.Reference: 例文14選|面接で聞かれるキャリアプランを効果的に伝えるコツ4選/PORTキャリアUnderstand different culturesWhen you work in a global environment, you will work with people of various nationalities and values. If you enter a company without any information about different cultures, you may experience culture shock and find it difficult to do your job. Therefore, it is important to research different cultures before working for a company in a global environment. Just knowing that “some people think this way” will make it easier to communicate with others.Reference: グローバル人材に必要な異文化理解とは?/GTECHow to find global environment companies in TokyoThere are many global environment companies in Tokyo, but they are not easy to find using regular job sites. The following methods are recommended to efficiently search for global companies in Tokyo.Search by "Global" x "Tokyo"Use your contacts and SNSUse services that specializes in global jobs Search by "Global" x "Tokyo"In recent years, in the Internet society, various companies are posting job openings on their own pages. If you search for “global” and “Tokyo” on the Internet or general job sites, you will find a number of global environment jobs. However, it takes time and effort because there are so many and you have to check the requirements one by one. Use your contacts and SNSIn recent years, an increasing number of companies have introduced referral recruiting, which uses personal connections to conduct recruiting activities. Referral recruiting has the advantage of allowing you to work with real people who actually work for the company, but it also has the disadvantage of making it difficult to leave the company if you feel there is a gap after you join. If there is a company you are interested in, you can actively follow them on social networking sites such as Linkedin and Wantedly.Reference: なぜリファラル採用は導入が増えているの?─リファラル採用で入社した方・紹介した方の声6事例─/talentbook Use services that specializes in global jobsBy using a service that specializes in global jobs, you can efficiently find jobs in a global environment. For example, “GitTap”, a job site specializing in global companies, allows you to search for jobs in Tokyo. You can also set a variety of other criteria to efficiently find a global environment company that suits you. In addition to job sites, you may also want to consider the services of a recruiting agency that specializes in global environments.Let's build your career in a global environment in Tokyo! In this article, we have explained the benefits of working in a global environment, examples of global IT jobs in Tokyo, what you should do before choosing a global job in Tokyo, and how to search for jobs. If you are interested in building a career with a global company in Tokyo, go ahead and take action based on the contents of this issue.For those looking for global IT engineer jobs in Tokyo, we recommend “GitTap”, a job site for global IT engineers. 600+ global environment jobs are available, so you can find the right job for you.▼GitTap is HERE

Job seeker (IT engineer)
How can I find a job to develop my career in a global environment?
Working in a global environment is an experience that brings great benefits not only in terms of career but also in terms of life. However, many people find it difficult to work in a different environment, such as overseas. In this article, we will explain how to look for jobs that allow you to work in a global environment while living in Tokyo. By following the job search tips presented in this article, you can build your ideal career in a global environment in Tokyo.There are several ways to search for jobs in a global environment in Tokyo, but we recommend GitTap, a job site specializing in global environments. You can search for jobs based on a variety of criteria, not just where you want to work.▼GitTap is HERECompanies where you can build your career in a global environmentA global environment is one where people of any nationality can work together in a common language and understand each other. For example, a foreign-affiliated company or a Japanese-affiliated company that has offices around the world can be said to be a global company. With the development of science and information technology, globalization is progressing in various countries around the world, and working in a global environment is expected to become even more commonplace.Furthermore, it seems that in 2023, it is being coordinated that subsidies will be provided to companies expanding into emerging and developing countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and other regions. Against this backdrop, there will be more and more opportunities to work in a global environment even if you work for a Japanese company.Reference: インドなどグローバル・サウス進出企業に政府が補助へ…AI生かせる事業など想定/読売新聞オンラインFive Advantages of Building a Career in a Global EnvironmentThe following are five advantages of a career in a global environment.Improve your language skillsGet paid for the results you achieveIncrease your market valueBroaden your values and perspectivesMore choices in life Improve your language skillsEnglish is often an official language in global companies, and you can improve your language skills through daily work. Because some companies deal with a variety of countries and regions, learning other languages such as Spanish, Korean, and Chinese in addition to English is also a big advantage. Research has shown that improving one's English language skills has a significant impact on one's job scope and annual salary, so language skills are essential for career development.Reference: 【グローバル人材のキャリアに関する実態調査】93.1%が「英語力がキャリアに影響した」と回答/PR TIMESGet paid for the results you achieveCompanies in a global environment, such as foreign-affiliated firms, often have an incentive system in place where you are paid only for the results you produce. Therefore, regardless of age or gender, if you make a profit, it will be reflected in your compensation. The advantage of this system is that you have a chance to obtain great results depending on your own efforts, sense, and skills, and it is easy to obtain job satisfaction.Reference: グローバル化が崩す年功制/日本経済新聞 Increase your market valueAnother advantage of working in a global environment is that you can increase your market value. For example, if engineers have the same specialized skills and knowledge, those who have language skills and experience working with foreigners in a global environment are more highly valued. Since many foreign engineers are working in the Japanese IT industry due to the shortage of Japanese engineers, having experience in a global environment will enable you to grow as a bridge with foreigners and as a person in charge of management.Reference: 7カ国中最下位…日本がIT人材足りない根本理由/東洋経済ONLINEBroaden your values and perspectivesWhen working with other Japanese people, it is easy to get caught up in Japan's unique customs and ways of thinking, but by working in a global environment with members from all over the world, you will learn to think globally as your ideas and values are held to a global standard. By working in a global environment with members from all over the world, you will learn how to think globally, and you will become more aware of the differences in cultures, values, and ways of thinking. Encountering a new culture can be a motivating opportunity.Reference: 異文化理解のメリットとは?異文化理解の必要性や注意点も紹介/Bizmates Blog More choices in lifeAnother benefit of working in a global environment is that you will have more options in life. If you work for a foreign company or a Japanese global company, you may have the opportunity to be posted overseas. Instead of staying in Japan, you may be able to experience life in a variety of countries and choose the one that suits you best. You will have a wider choice of jobs and work locations, and at the same time, you will be able to gain a broader perspective on the place where you live and the style of work you do.How to Find “Jobs in Tokyo” for a Career in a Global EnvironmentThere are four ways to search for “jobs in Tokyo” that will allow you to build a career in a global environment. Use a job site/agency that specializes in global environmentsUse a job site/agency that specializes in the type of job you are looking forSearch for companies in Tokyo that are looking for global talentUse your contacts and SNS Use a job site/agency that specializes in global environmentsTo find jobs in Tokyo where you can develop your career in a global environment, we recommend using a job site that specializes in global environments. The jobs listed on the site are all in a global environment, so you can easily find the job you are looking for by simply entering your criteria. The site also has information on job locations, so you can focus your search on jobs in Tokyo.There are few job sites that specialize in global environments, but with “GitTap” you can also narrow down your search by the percentage of English-speaking or Japanese staff. First, let's take a look at what kind of jobs are available in Tokyo.▼GitTap is HEREUse a job site/agency that specializes in the type of job you are looking forIf you know the type of job you want, one way is to use a job site that specializes in that type of job. There are many job sites that specialize in engineering jobs, nursing jobs, careers, and so on. Many job sites allow you to specify your desired location, so you can search for jobs in your desired occupation in Tokyo only. Search for companies in Tokyo that are looking for global talentYou can use Internet searches to directly contact companies in Tokyo that are looking for global talent. In recent years, some companies have their own recruiting websites, so it is possible to find companies in a global environment with the conditions and types of jobs you are looking for through an Internet search. However, please note that you will need to do all the necessary preparations for the recruitment process yourself, from making appointments for interview dates.Reference: 転職で企業への「直接応募」はアリ? メリット・デメリットを解説/みんなの「転職」体験談 Use your contacts and SNSIt is also possible to search for global jobs that allow you to work in Tokyo by making full use of your personal network and SNS. In recent years, more and more companies are recruiting through their SNS accounts. If there is a company you are interested in, be sure to check their SNS accounts.You can also look for social events held in Tokyo or neighboring prefectures, referrals from friends and acquaintances, and global job postings. In this case, you need to determine whether the referrer or the company to which you are referred is truly trustworthy. Act with caution and gather sufficient information before changing jobs or seeking employment.Reference: 人脈を活用して転職活動?「リファラル採用」のメリットとデメリット/ミデアブログTips for looking for “jobs in Tokyo” where you can build a career in a global environment The following three points are important to keep in mind when searching for “jobs in Tokyo” that will allow you to build a career in a global environment.Improve language skillsClarify the reason for your applicationHave a global mindsetImprove language skillsLanguage skills are essential if you want to build a career in a global environment. Tokyo has the largest number of foreigners in Japan, and by 2019, the number of foreigners living in Tokyo will reach a record high of 550,000. Therefore, if you want to have a global career in Tokyo, you will need to interact with foreigners. It is important to improve your language skills so that you can communicate practically with foreigners. By improving your language skills, you can expect career advancement.Reference: 東京で暮らす外国人、過去最多の55万人 : 新宿区は全人口の12.4%に/nippon.comClarify the reason for your applicationWhen changing jobs, it is necessary to clarify the reason for applying to a company. If people think you are changing jobs for no particular reason, they may worry that you are not a good fit for one company. This can have a negative impact on your chances of being hired, so it is important to be specific about your reasons for changing jobs and to appeal each time.Especially in a global environment, there are situations where you have to actively express your opinions while working with foreigners. In order to show that you are a good candidate for a global environment with your own opinions and positive attitude, it is important to clarify your reasons for applying for a new job. However, too much negativity in your reasons for changing jobs will not give a good impression. Even if the reason is negative, it is important to convey a positive attitude, such as a reason for career advancement.Reference: 志望動機ってどれくらいに重要視されているの?書くべきポイントとは!/Geekly Media Have a global mindsetIn Japan, there is still a culture of being understood without having to say anything and of following the instructions of one's superiors. However, in a global environment, people are required to actively express their opinions and take on challenges without fear of mistakes or failure. In some cases, if you do not speak up at meetings, you may be regarded as unmotivated, so be sure to have a global mindset even before you join the company. In addition, you need to be flexible and not be limited to one set of values or way of thinking. In a global environment where you will be working with people with different ways of thinking, you will need to have a mindset that imagines the other person's background and what is best for the team. Having a broad global perspective and the ability to think flexibly and adapt to any situation will lead to career advancement and career change.Reference: グローバルな環境ってなに?/ZEN MARKET Check out the jobs in Tokyo and build your career in a global environment!In this article, we have explained how to search for jobs in Tokyo where you can develop your career in a global environment. Developing a career in a global environment has the advantage of improving your language skills and increasing your market value, where you will be rewarded for your achievements. In addition to the career benefits, a career in a global environment is also attractive because it broadens your values and perspectives, and gives you more options in life.To find a job in a global environment in Tokyo, you can use job sites that specialize in global environments to find a job efficiently. By referring to the points introduced in this article, you can build your ideal career in a global environment.GitTap, a job site for global companies, offers more than 600 jobs. There are many jobs available in Tokyo, so register and see if there are any jobs that match your requirements.▼GitTap is HERE

Job seeker (IT engineer)
Ways to work in an English environment with no experience
Many people who have studied abroad or have studied English want to build a career in an English environment where they can demonstrate the English skills they have acquired. By working in an English environment, you will be able to use the English you have learned and also make use of it in a business setting. However, if you have no experience even in an English environment, you may feel insecure about being hired.In this article, we will explain the key points, flow, and specific types of jobs that will allow you to successfully find and change jobs where you can utilize your English in an inexperienced English environment. To find a job in an English-speaking environment, please use “GitTap,” a job site specializing in global environments.▼GitTap is HERECan we build a global career in an English environment with no experience?If you have English skills, you can build a career in an English environment even if you have no experience in the job or industry you are looking for a new job in. If your English level is high, you may be welcomed by companies even if you have no experience. To be successful in an English-speaking environment, your English level must be at least as good as the level required for the position. Even if you have no experience, you may be able to use the skills you have acquired in your previous jobs in a different way, and you may be able to build a global career by moving to an English-speaking environment, even if you have no experience in the job or industry.Reference: 英語力は就活への影響大! 求められるケースとレベルを徹底解説/PORTキャリアHow to build a global career in an English environment in an inexperienced positionThe following two methods are recommended for those who wish to challenge an inexperienced position in an English-speaking environment.Changing jobs at a foreign-capital companyChanging jobs at a Japanese global companyChanging jobs at a foreign-capital companyA foreign-affiliated company is a Japanese subsidiary of a company headquartered overseas. In many cases, foreign-affiliated companies require immediate ability to make an immediate impact, but in many cases, if you have outstanding knowledge, skills, or other characteristics, they may hire you because they see your future potential. Foreign-affiliated companies have such characteristics as English being the official language within the company and a meritocracy that allows for higher salaries based on results. Therefore, even if you have no experience, there is a high possibility that you will be able to play an active role if you have a high level of English proficiency.Reference: 未経験から外資系に転職する方法!プロが業界・職種を徹底解説!/すべらない転職 Changing jobs at a Japanese global companyWith the yen continuing its record-setting rise in recent years, more and more Japanese companies are expanding overseas. Japanese global companies are Japanese-affiliated companies that are expanding overseas. Although there are many Japanese people in the company, English skills are necessary to communicate with local employees and debate purchases when expanding overseas, so working for a Japanese global company allows you to develop your career in an English environment.Japanese global companies tend to seek individuals who have experience in overseas operations and a high level of English proficiency, even if they work in different positions. Differences from foreign-affiliated companies may include an emphasis on teamwork rather than individuals and the ability to contribute to the development of the Japanese economy.Reference: 【外資系企業VS日系企業】どちらに就職すべき?/エンカレッジ 7 Positions that can build a global career in an English environmentThere are many jobs that can build a global career in an English environment, but we would like to introduce seven main types of jobs.SalesConsultantInterpreter/TranslatorEnglish teacherTour GuideBuyersEngineersSalesSales is a job that requires good communication skills. If you have sales experience and English language skills, your communication skills will be highly valued when changing to a new position in a foreign-affiliated or Japanese-affiliated global company in an industry you have no experience in. Even if you do not have sales experience, you can easily get hired by combining your English language skills with the communication skills you have built up in your general office work experience.Reference: 未経験で営業に転職するには:アピールのポイントや例文を紹介/indeedConsultantA consultant is a person who pursues and solves the causes of problems faced by companies. It is difficult to work in an English environment in a typical Japanese company, but it is possible to build a career in an English environment if you work for a global or foreign-affiliated company. If you have high English skills that can be utilized in business situations, you may be assigned to overseas clients or projects for overseas expansion. Even if you have no experience, you can change jobs if you have the skills and knowledge required of a consultant.Reference: 【英語を活かせる仕事35種】選び方やレベル、想定年収まで徹底解説/神田外語学院Interpretation/TranslationInterpretation and translation services are often required for meetings and debates at foreign-affiliated companies and Japanese global companies. In addition to business scenes, there are also jobs to provide tourist information interpretation for travelers from overseas. Even if you have no experience, if your English skills are at a business level or native level, changing to an interpreting or translating job is not a dream come true.Reference: 未経験から通訳になるには?仕事内容と求められるスキル・おすすめ転職サイト/みんなの転職「体験談」。English TeacherThere are a number of ways to build a career as an English teacher in Japan, including English language classes for children, junior high school, high school, university, and adults. The level of English required at each of these schools differs, but in many cases, native English speakers are among your colleagues, and the basic prerequisite is the ability to hold smooth, everyday conversations. Inexperienced English teachers with good English speaking skills are greatly appreciated.Reference: 未経験から児童英語講師になるには?他業界から転職した先生2人の体験談【前編】/神田外語キッズクラブ Tour GuideTour guides accompany clients to various sightseeing spots in Japan and overseas to provide guidance, make various adjustments, communicate with local staff, and deal with problems. If you choose a company that only offers domestic travel, it is unlikely that you will be in an English-speaking environment, but if you choose a company that has many international travelers or inbound customers, you can develop your career in an English-speaking environment. Tour guides need to be able to speak English at a daily conversational level or above, as they need to interact with a variety of local staff as well as with clients.Reference: 観光ガイドに求められる英語力はどのくらい?日本の魅力を伝えるための、“がんばらない”英語学習法/logmi BizBuyerBuyers are in charge of purchasing and buying for department stores and mass merchandisers. Buyers of foreign-affiliated companies and Japanese global companies are required to have practical English communication skills at a business level or higher. Since you need to communicate accurately by yourself without an interpreter, you will be more likely to be hired if you have experience in sales in addition to a high level of English, even if you have no experience.Reference: バイヤーとして商品買い付けを成功させるための英語力/英語学習者へのエール EngineerDue to the shortage of engineers in Japan in recent years, an increasing number of companies, even general Japanese companies, are hiring foreign engineers. Furthermore, some foreign-affiliated companies and Japanese global companies, such as Rakuten and CyberAgent, have set English as their official internal language, making it possible to build a career in an English environment with multinational members.Many companies prefer to hire experienced engineers because engineering is a technical job, but there are many cases where inexperienced engineers are hired if they have a high level of English proficiency. Even if you have no experience as an engineer, you are more likely to be hired if you have IT skills such as programming knowledge and IT-related qualifications in addition to a high level of English proficiency.Reference: 3倍に増えた外国人ITエンジニアの背景や採用状況を解説/G Talent BlogHow to find jobs with no experience that can build a global career in an English environmentThere are four ways to find global jobs that allow you to build a career in an English environment, even if you have no experience.Use job sites and agents that specialize in English environmentsUse job sites and agencies that specialize in the type of job you are looking forSearch for companies looking for global talentUse your contacts and social networking sitesUse job sites and agents that specialize in English environmentsIf you are looking to build a career in an English-speaking environment, or if you want to work in a global environment regardless of the type of job, we recommend that you register with a job site or agency that specializes in English-speaking environments and search for jobs. Regardless of the type of job or industry, you can find a variety of global jobs that match your English level."GitTap", which specializes in jobs in global environments, is a job site that gathers jobs that make use of IT and English. You can search jobs by level of English required, percentage of foreign nationals, etc., so you can find your desired job in an English-speaking environment efficiently.Use job sites and agencies that specialize in the type of job you are looking forIf you want to use English to build a career in a specific job category, such as engineering or consulting, a shortcut to finding a job is to register with a job site or agency that specializes in the type of job you are looking for. Some positions welcome no experience as long as you meet the required English skills, so if you have a specific type of job you want to work in in mind, use these job sites and agents.Job sites are a way to search for jobs you are interested in by yourself by deciding on keywords and conditions, but if you find it difficult to search for jobs on your own, we recommend using an agent. "G Talent", which attracts global companies, can introduce you to jobs specifically for IT engineers. G Talent is a recruitment agency used by high-caliber foreign nationals, so it is easy to be introduced to jobs in English environment. Search for companies looking for global talentMany companies post global jobs on their official websites. Companies that post global jobs are looking for people who are proactive and willing to move on their own. Therefore, if the job is posted on the company's official website, applying from there may lead to a good impression with HR.Reference: 転職は直接応募が有利なの?メリット・デメリットを知っておこう!/イーキャリアFAUse your contacts and social networking sitesIn recent years, more and more job seekers are using business SNS such as Linkedin and Wantedly. Some companies may only post information on social networking sites, so if there is a company you are interested in, follow them and actively gather information. It is also possible to change jobs through connections, such as business partners or people related to the company you are currently working for. If you are introduced by someone you trust, the company will be more likely to accept you.Reference: 【ビジネスSNS解説】LinkedInとWantedlyの違いとは?/テクラボ Five points for changing jobs in an English environment for an inexperienced positionWhen changing jobs to an English environment in an inexperienced position, keep the following five points in mind.Be clear about your reasons for applyingOrganize experience and skills to match the companyShow your ability to adapt to the jobCommunicate enthusiasm for the job and specific career plansImprove English language skillsBe clear about your reasons for applyingIf you are changing jobs to a position or industry in which you have no experience, there are not many benefits to be gained for the company hiring you. Therefore, it is important to have a clear reason for applying. If you do not have many appealing points because you have no experience, it is important to first clarify your motivation and communicate it clearly. Also, be sure to show your humility and honesty in showing that you have no experience.Reference: 未経験職種に転職する場合の志望動機/転職HacksOrganize experience and skills to match the companyWhen changing jobs in an inexperienced industry, which is likely to offer few advantages to the company, it is not enough to simply show that you want to be hired. It is important to be able to convey specific appealing points such as “how you intend to utilize your past work experience. To this end, organize your past work history, qualifications, and other skills, and link them to your appeal points.Reference: 未経験だからこそ意識すべき!転職の自己PRポイント/GATEN職Show your ability to adapt to the jobWhen changing jobs to a job in an English environment, even if you have no experience, you will be required to have the adaptability to communicate with non-Japanese people. It is important to show that you have English skills, sales skills, communication skills, and other skills that do not directly relate to the new job description, but that you can adapt to the job. Show your ability to adapt to the job by sharing episodes from your past. Communicate enthusiasm for the job and specific career plansForeign-affiliated companies, which demand rationality, and Japanese-affiliated global companies, which are rooted in Japanese culture, place slightly different emphasis on points of interest when hiring. Foreign-affiliated companies tend to focus on enthusiasm backed up by appealing points plus a concrete career plan, while Japanese-affiliated global companies tend to focus first on enthusiasm for the job and then on a rough career plan. Although your strategy will vary depending on which company you approach, it is important to be prepared to convey your “enthusiasm for the job” and “concrete career plan.Reference: 【例文あり】転職面接で「キャリアプラン」を聞かれたら?ステージ別キャリアプランの考え方も紹介/リクルートダイレクトスカウト Improve your English skillsEven if you are proficient in English, it is essential to improve your English skills on a daily basis if you wish to find a job or change jobs at a global company in an English-speaking environment. Although the level of English required differs depending on the type of job, the higher your English proficiency, the easier it will be to get hired, and the easier it will be to familiarize yourself with the business after you join the company. It is advisable to acquire not only daily conversational level English, but also specialized English for business purposes.Reference: 業界別に解説!外資系企業で求められる英語力とは?/35ishYou can change jobs in an English environment with no experience!Even if you have no experience in an industry or occupation, it is possible to change jobs in an English-speaking environment if you have a high level of English proficiency and are well prepared. Make sure that your work experience will be useful in your new job by building your motivation and appealing points. If you are looking for a job as an engineer, designer, or other IT professional who can work in a global environment, we recommend using GitTap, a global job site that specializes in IT professionals. Not only can you expect to earn a high salary, but it can also be a turning point in your career and have a major impact on your life. Register with GitTap for free and find out what kind of jobs are available.▼GitTap is HERE

Job seeker (IT engineer)
The reason why engineering jobs in Japanese companies are high-risk is in the career steps!
To develop your career as an IT engineer, you need to work in an environment where it is easy to advance your career. A representative example of an environment where it is easy to advance your career is a company with a global environment where your abilities are easily evaluated. By focusing your job search on companies in Tokyo, where there are many jobs and many excellent engineers, you can achieve effective career development.In this article, we will explain the advantages of working in a global environment, how to work for a company in a global environment while in Tokyo, and how to find a global company. If you want to efficiently search for global jobs in Tokyo, we recommend “GitTap” which specializes in global environment jobs.▼GitTap is HEREMore and more people want to work in a global environmentIn recent years, the number of people who want to work in a global environment has been increasing. Many Japanese companies have a seniority-based system, and it is difficult to get promoted if you are young, even if you have good skills. There is also a strong culture of respect for superiors, and many companies still retain values such as the difficulty of refusing a boss's invitation to a drinking party or the prohibition of leaving before the boss does. However, many companies in a global environment are meritocratic, and career advancement is possible if you produce results in your work. Because of the rationalistic and efficiency-oriented way of working, you are rarely bothered by unnecessary meetings and drinking sessions. The number of people who want to work in a global environment that is open and allows them to express their abilities in a relaxed and spontaneous manner is on the rise.Reference: グローバル人材の確保状況等に関する企業の意識調査/総務省What are the advantages of working in a global environment?As mentioned above, the number of people who want to work in a global environment is increasing because of the following advantages of working in a global company.Easier to build a careerHigher salaryWork in a diverse environmentImprove language skillsDevelop ability to respond and communicate effectively Easier to build a careerIn most cases, companies in a global environment place a high value on job performance. If you produce results in your work, such as improving operational efficiency or developing high quality systems, you can expect to receive a promotion and salary increase, which will help you develop your career. On the other hand, at Japanese-affiliated companies, even if you produce good results, in many cases you will not be promoted or receive a raise due to various factors such as length of service, age, or cliques. For those who want to pursue career advancement without being restricted by age or position, a company with a global environment that rewards results is the right choice.Reference: グローバル化が崩す年功制/日本経済新聞Higher salaryCompanies in a global environment will fairly evaluate employees who are capable and deliver results in their work. Therefore, the more results you produce, the higher your salary will be. In many Japanese companies, which are characterized by a gradual increase in salary based on seniority, if you work until retirement, you will eventually receive a higher salary and retirement benefits. However, when you are young, it is difficult to get a large salary increase no matter how much you achieve. For those who want a high salary from a young age, it is a great advantage to build a career in a global environment.Reference: 外資系企業の年収は日系企業の約2倍!その理由を徹底解説/35ishWork in a diverse environmentIn a global environment, you will naturally be able to spend time in a diverse environment as you interact with staff and clients from many different countries. If you work for a Japanese company in Japan, you will meet many people with similar ideas and values. By working for a company in a global environment, you will encounter new values that you have never encountered before. By becoming accustomed to non-Japanese ways of thinking and values, you will be able to adapt well when you have a career abroad in the future.Reference: グローバル企業で感じる”リアル”なダイバーシティー/noteImprove language skillsOne of the advantages of working in a global environment is that you can improve your English and other foreign language skills, as communication in foreign languages is necessary when you have many opportunities to interact with foreigners in a global environment. You will acquire business-level foreign language speaking, reading, and writing skills that cannot be acquired by studying at an English conversation school. In a global environment, English proficiency is a major factor in one's career, so those who have always been good at English may be able to aim for a better career than others by working for a company in a global environment.Reference: 【グローバル人材のキャリアに関する実態調査】93.1%が「英語力がキャリアに影響した」と回答/PR TIMESDevelop ability to respond and communicate effectivelyBy working with non-Japanese who have completely different cultures, ways of thinking, and ways of working, you will acquire a high level of responsiveness and communication skills. In Japan, the culture of “perceiving” is deeply rooted, so it is possible to have others understand your feelings to some extent even if you do not express your own opinions. However, in countries other than Japan, there is no culture of “perceiving,” and one's feelings cannot be conveyed unless one asserts one's feelings. By working for a global company, you will develop the ability to respond and communicate in any country.Reference: 今こそ言語化が重要!業務において不用な日本人の“察する文化”/北浜グローバル経営株式会社Examples of IT Global Companies in Tokyo where you can build your careerThe number of global companies in Japan is increasing, and it is not difficult to build a career in a global environment while living in Tokyo. There are many different types of global environment companies in Tokyo, but IT companies are particularly recommended. There is a high concentration of IT companies in Tokyo, and many foreigners work for IT companies due to the shortage of engineers. Therefore, many IT companies in Tokyo offer jobs where you can work in a global environment. Let's take a closer look at jobs at companies in Tokyo that offer a global environment.Reference: IT産業の東京一極集中の現状/大正大学地域構想研究所 Systems DevelopmentSystem development refers to engineers who create systems to improve the structure for smooth operations. System development requires a variety of skills, and one company in Tokyo is looking for a machine learning engineer with Python skills. This is a full-time position with annual salary starting at 5.5 million yen, and remote work is available if you live in Japan, so people who do not live in Tokyo can also apply. Required skills include experience in software development, working experience in machine learning, basic knowledge of security, and daily conversational level of English. Many of our members are non-Japanese, so you will be able to develop your career in a global environment.Reference: システム開発とは?手順や依頼時の注意点を紹介/発注ラウンジ Infrastructure EngineerTokyo, where many people live, has a well-developed infrastructure, and the existence of infrastructure engineers who design and maintain such infrastructure is indispensable. There are various types of infrastructure, and one company in Tokyo is looking for an AWS/Azure infrastructure engineer. If you have a career in building and operating AWS and Azure, you can apply for a full-time job with an annual salary of 6 million yen or more.Reference: インフラエンジニアとは?仕事内容や必要なスキル、キャリアパスを解説/type転職エージェント TesterA tester is a person who checks whether a program works without problems. Since large-scale development always requires testing, the existence of testers is indispensable. Especially in Tokyo, where major IT companies are concentrated, testers are expected to be in higher demand than in rural areas. Since many engineers are involved in large-scale development, there is also the possibility of communicating directly with foreign engineers. As testers develop their careers, they may be involved in development work, so let's build our careers in a global environment.Reference: テスターとはなに?仕事内容から将来性までわかりやすく解説!/RUNTEQ BLOGTips for building a career in a global environment in TokyoNot everyone can easily work for a company in a global environment. Here are three points that you should do in order to work for a global company.Improve language skillsClarify what you want to doUnderstand different cultures Improve language skillsCompanies in a global environment require a high level of language skills. Without a certain level of English proficiency, you will not even be able to enter a global company, so it is important to acquire a high level of language skills before changing jobs. It is said that to reach the level required to work for a foreign company, you need to have a TOEIC score of 800 or higher for English. It is important to acquire business-level English skills, focusing on English that is relevant to your industry. Some companies may require language skills other than English. If you want to further develop your career, learn a different language in addition to English.Reference: ビジネスレベルの英語力ってどのくらい?一般的な基準とオススメの勉強方法3選/Bizmates Blog Clarify what you want to doBefore working in a global environment, make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to do and in what direction you want to advance your career. If you do not have a clear idea of what you want to do, you will not be able to choose the right job for you. Whether you want to increase your salary, have a job you want to do, or improve your working environment, be clear about what you want before you start your job search.Reference: 例文14選|面接で聞かれるキャリアプランを効果的に伝えるコツ4選/PORTキャリアUnderstand different culturesWhen you work in a global environment, you will work with people of various nationalities and values. If you enter a company without any information about different cultures, you may experience culture shock and find it difficult to do your job. Therefore, it is important to research different cultures before working for a company in a global environment. Just knowing that “some people think this way” will make it easier to communicate with others.Reference: グローバル人材に必要な異文化理解とは?/GTECHow to find global environment companies in TokyoThere are many global environment companies in Tokyo, but they are not easy to find using regular job sites. The following methods are recommended to efficiently search for global companies in Tokyo.Search by "Global" x "Tokyo"Use your contacts and SNSUse services that specializes in global jobs Search by "Global" x "Tokyo"In recent years, in the Internet society, various companies are posting job openings on their own pages. If you search for “global” and “Tokyo” on the Internet or general job sites, you will find a number of global environment jobs. However, it takes time and effort because there are so many and you have to check the requirements one by one. Use your contacts and SNSIn recent years, an increasing number of companies have introduced referral recruiting, which uses personal connections to conduct recruiting activities. Referral recruiting has the advantage of allowing you to work with real people who actually work for the company, but it also has the disadvantage of making it difficult to leave the company if you feel there is a gap after you join. If there is a company you are interested in, you can actively follow them on social networking sites such as Linkedin and Wantedly.Reference: なぜリファラル採用は導入が増えているの?─リファラル採用で入社した方・紹介した方の声6事例─/talentbook Use services that specializes in global jobsBy using a service that specializes in global jobs, you can efficiently find jobs in a global environment. For example, “GitTap”, a job site specializing in global companies, allows you to search for jobs in Tokyo. You can also set a variety of other criteria to efficiently find a global environment company that suits you. In addition to job sites, you may also want to consider the services of a recruiting agency that specializes in global environments.Let's build your career in a global environment in Tokyo! In this article, we have explained the benefits of working in a global environment, examples of global IT jobs in Tokyo, what you should do before choosing a global job in Tokyo, and how to search for jobs. If you are interested in building a career with a global company in Tokyo, go ahead and take action based on the contents of this issue.For those looking for global IT engineer jobs in Tokyo, we recommend “GitTap”, a job site for global IT engineers. 600+ global environment jobs are available, so you can find the right job for you.▼GitTap is HERE

Job seeker (IT engineer)
Is an engineering job in a Japanese company high risk? Working for a global company is also recommended.
In line with the global shift to IT, the demand for engineers is growing rapidly in Japan as well, riding the wave of IT and DX promotion. However, many people may have heard the opinion that “working as an engineer in a Japanese company is high risk. In this article, we will explain why engineers working in Japan are considered high risk and how working for a global company dispels such risks.If you want to find an engineering job in a global environment, we recommend “GitTap,” a job site specializing in global x IT. You can find a job working in Japan while wiping out the risk of working as an engineer for a Japanese company.▼GitTap is HEREWhy working as an engineer in a Japanese company is considered high riskThe following are six reasons why working as an engineer in a Japanese company is considered high risk.The working environment is not goodEngineers' status and treatment are not goodDifficulty in obtaining just evaluation for resultsInefficient processes are difficult to improveForced to do work outside their area of expertise Multiple contractor structureNot all Japanese companies fall into these categories, but it is a fact that many Japanese companies have such high-risk environments. Let's take a closer look at the reasons for each of these high risks.The working environment is not goodMany people from overseas say that when they work in Japanese companies, they feel a lot of futility in their work, such as overtime, meaningless work, and lengthy meetings. In fact, data shows that Japan has more overtime work than any other country in the world, and yet many companies in Japan have lower annual salaries than in other countries. Therefore, one of the reasons for the high risk is the poor working environment, where no matter how hard you work and how much you develop your skills and achievements, you are not rewarded.Another characteristic of Japanese companies is that the seniority system and lifetime employment system are deeply rooted. It is not uncommon for young, talented engineers to be unable to obtain a fair evaluation.Reference: 日本の労働環境が改善されないのはなぜ?海外と比較してどの程度悪いの?データで見る日本の労働環境/ジョブトラ20sEngineers' status and treatment are not goodIn Japan, the status and treatment of engineers is not very high compared to the rest of the world. In many Japanese companies, the position of sales and planning jobs tends to be regarded as higher than that of engineers. On the other hand, in the U.S. and other countries in Southeast Asia, where IT is more advanced, there is a strong respect for engineers' skills and jobs because of the investment in technological development. If you are a good engineer, you may be offered a higher salary than other types of jobs.Reference: 日本のエンジニアは軽視されている?7つの理由と価値を上げる方法を解説/AcrovisionDifficulty in obtaining just evaluation for resultsIn Japan, where a meritocracy and a working environment that emphasizes skills have yet to take root, it is also considered a cause of high risk that even if you achieve excellent results in your work, they are not reflected in your position or treatment. This is especially true in a system where promotion and advancement are determined by length of service and age, and in companies where the view that it is better to work overtime to tackle job content remains.Reference: 人事評価の不満要因、圧倒的1位は「基準の不明確さ」48.3% 納得感ある人事評価実現の要は “基準”と“待遇”の仕組み化にあり。/PR TIMESInefficient processes are difficult to improveOne of the risks is that employees may not be highly evaluated even if they improve their work efficiency and reduce overtime work. In some foreign companies, efficiency improvements by devising new systems are reflected in salaries and bonuses. However, for Japanese people who do not like change, business processes are not easy to change, and the risk remains that inefficient processes are difficult to improve, resulting in a lot of unnecessary work and overtime.Reference: 日本と海外のエンジニアの違いは?実際に働いている人に聞いてみた/パーソルクロステクノロジー Forced to do work outside their area of expertise In Japanese companies, which still have a culture of job rotation that allows employees to gain a variety of experience, there is a risk of being forced to do work outside of one's area of expertise. In a lifetime employment environment, the job rotation system worked, but today, when it is difficult to work for the same company for a long period of time, the inability to develop expertise is often a negative factor.Reference: ジョブローテーションが退職につながるケースとは?対策方法を解説/スキルナビMultiple contractor structureThere are two types of IT company businesses in Japan.User companies: Companies that provide products and other servicesIT companies: Companies that provide IT engineers and IT servicesUser companies account for about 25%, and IT companies account for the remaining 75%. Many IT companies dispatch engineers and other IT personnel to large companies and obtain work as subcontractors. Many of these subcontracting jobs are characterized by a multiple subcontracting structure, whereby Company A subcontracts the work it has acquired to Company B, which in turn receives a margin from Company A. This situation leads to a poor working environment, with low salaries paid to the IT engineers working at the end of the line. This is why engineering jobs in Japanese companies are perceived as high-risk.Reference: 日本で働くITエンジニアが抱える「リスク」/フォスターフリーランスWorking for a global company is recommended to avoid the risks of an engineering job in JapanTo avoid the risks of an engineering job in a Japanese company, we recommend working for a global company. Many global companies have different work styles, cultures, and ways of working than those of Japanese companies, so you can work in a way that is different from the risky jobs unique to Japanese companies.Some people may consider working overseas in search of a different way of working from Japanese companies. However, it is also risky to suddenly work overseas. For such people, we recommend gaining experience at a global company first. Here we will introduce global companies, the advantages and disadvantages of working as an engineer in a global company, and the skills required of an engineer working in a global company. What is a global company?A global company is a company that does business outside of the country in which it was established. The leading global companies in Japan include various types of companies such as automobile manufacturers, electrical equipment manufacturers, food manufacturers, and clothing brands. Global companies often employ people of various nationalities so that they can do business not only with Japanese but also with suppliers and customers in other countries, thereby avoiding the risks associated with working for a Japanese company. In recent years, engineers are needed for jobs in all industries, so if a global company is looking for engineers, you should definitely apply for a position.Some global companies are established outside of Japan and have expanded into Japan. In such cases, the work style and culture are often even further removed from Japan, so you will most likely not experience the risks unique to Japanese companies described in this article.Reference: グローバル企業で働くには?東京での求人情報について解説/GitTapAdvantages and disadvantages of working as an engineer in a global companyThere are both advantages and disadvantages to working as an engineer in a global company.≪Advantages of working as an engineer in a global company≫Many opportunities to work overseasGood support for skill improvement≪Disadvantages of working for a global company as an engineer≫Possibility of being ordered to an overseas assignment that you do not wantLanguage skills are necessary to succeedUnderstand each of the above and confirm whether working as an engineer at a global company is right for you.Advantages of working for a global company1: Many opportunities to work overseasOne of the major advantages of working for a global company is the possibility of overseas assignments. Global companies have offices all over the world, so there are opportunities to work in various countries while working for the same company. If you are assigned to an overseas assignment, you will receive an assignment allowance, and the company will provide you with rent and utilities. For those who want to work abroad and learn about cultures and values different from those in Japan, working for a global company is recommended.Reference: 国際的な仕事・グローバルな仕事に就くメリットと方法を解説/TENJeeコラムAdvantages of working for a global company2: Good support for skill improvementOne of the advantages of working for a global company is that there is a possibility of overseas postings and a multinational workforce, so there is extensive training to improve language skills. In addition to language skills, there is a possibility to receive various training programs such as training to develop a global mindset, international business manners, overseas contracts, and human resources. Working for a global company will help you develop not only your work but also your own abilities.Reference: グローバル人材育成研修/insource Disadvantages of working for a global company1: Possibility of being ordered to an overseas assignment that you do not wantIf you work for a global company that operates in various countries, there is a possibility that you will be assigned to an overseas post. For those who have family or are not interested in working overseas, overseas assignments, which are a characteristic of global companies, may be a disadvantage. Since you are not free to choose where and for how long you work, an unwanted overseas assignment can be a painful experience. There is also a possibility that you may not be able to adjust to the environment at your overseas assignment, as you will be working in an unfamiliar environment where you will be working in a different culture and using a language other than Japanese.Reference: 「海外勤務者が多い」トップ200社ランキング/東洋経済オンライン Disadvantage of working for a global company2: Language skills are necessary to succeedGlobal companies have overseas offices, so they employ people from many different nationalities, and it is necessary to have a certain level of language skills. It is difficult to play an active role in a global company without language skills, as having language skills above a certain level is sometimes a condition for salary increase or promotion. If you work for a global company, you will also be required to have specialized English skills related to your job.Reference: 英語ができないと昇進は無理? 英語力の差が生涯年収を大きく左右する時代/ENGLEADSkills Required of Engineers in Global CompaniesEngineers who want to work for a global company will need the following skills in addition to IT expertiseLanguage skillsCommunication skillsPositive attitude Language skillsIf you want to work for a global company, you need to have a certain level of language skills. In particular, English, which is frequently used throughout the world, is often regarded as important. TOEIC is a business English test, and a score of 700 or higher is required for entry into a company or as a condition for salary increase or promotion, and a score of 700 or higher is required if you want to work in a global environment. In addition to general English skills, you should also be able to understand technical and business terms in the IT industry.Reference: グローバル人材にTOEICは必要?現場で求められる資質を解説/Bizmates Blog Communication skillsIn a global environment, Japanese common sense and ways of thinking often do not apply in business situations and daily life. Therefore, in order to work in a global company, you need to be able to accept and flexibly adapt to different cultures. Exposure to different cultures will also give you an opportunity to think deeply about the culture and values you have lived with.Reference: 異文化コミュニケーションへの理解を深めよう。グローバル企業に求められる心構えとは?/WeXpats Biz Positive attitudeIn countries other than Japan, modesty and reticence, which have been valued in Japan, are not considered good, and there are many situations in which you are expected to speak up actively. If you do not speak up at a meeting, you may be regarded as uninterested or unwilling to participate, so be proactive and express your thoughts when asked for your opinion. An attitude of thinking for oneself and actively working, rather than waiting for instructions, is also highly valued. Make suggestions to your supervisor, express your own opinions, and be proactive in your work.Reference: グローバル企業で働きたい!働くメリットや必要なスキルとは?/GitTapIf you feel that an engineering position in a Japanese company is risky, work for a global company!Engineering jobs in Japan are likely to be high risk due to reasons such as low position and poor working environment. Because of the differences in annual income, salary, working style, and required skills between Japan and other countries, no matter how much you work for a Japanese company, it may not pay off, making it a high risk. However, working overseas out of the blue can also lead to risk, so we recommend that you start by working for a global company in Japan.For engineering jobs in a global environment in Japan, use "GitTap", which specializes in IT industry x global environment jobs. There are a variety of engineering jobs registered on GitTap, and you can choose from global environment jobs without the risk of being unique to Japan. Register for free and try to meet as many global companies as possible within the scheduled job posting period to find a new career opportunity.▼GitTap is HERE
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