The Definitions of Japanese Language Levels

Hello! This is the GitTap Team.

On this page, we will share tips on how to use GitTap for all our users.

Today's topic is about "Japanese Language Level"!

Are you having trouble registering your "Japanese Language Level" in your GitTap profile?

Let's refer to the definitions of "Japanese Language Level" recommended by GitTap and update your profile information accordingly!

The Definitions of Japanese Language Levels

That's all.

Let's register your language information in your profile according to the definitions of the Japanese language levels!


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How to message companies On[GitTap]

Hello!This is the GitTap Team.In this blog, we will introduce tips for GitTap users to make the most of the platform. The theme this time is "How to Messages Companies"Are you finding it easy to communicate with companies on GitTap?To avoid missing out on opportunities, make sure to reply within 2-3 days!This time, we would like to introduce the following ways to use the messaging feature.ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー❶How to send a message❷How to reply to a scout message❸How to send your resume❹Translation featureーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー👉How to send a messageIf a red icon appears, it means you've received a message from a company! Be sure to check and respond right away!*The number indicates how many unread messages you have. ① Select "Messages" ② Click on the relevant message ③ After typing your response, click "Send"(PC version)(Smart phone version)👉How to reply to a scout messageA scout message is sent when a company finds that your profile matches their needs! You can easily reply with just one click, so be sure to respond promptly. ① To view job details → Click on the job title ② To apply → Click "Apply" ③ To save → Click "Save" ④ To decline → Click "No Thanks"(PC version)(Smart phone version)👉How to send your resumeYou can send files such as your resume! ① Click the "⊕" button at the bottom right of the screen and select a file.(PC version)(Smart phone version)👉Translation featureEach message has a Japanese-English translation button, allowing you to quickly translate and review Japanese messages in English! ① Click the "文/A" button at the bottom right of the message(PC version)(Smart phone version)💡Recommended Tip💡By replying in Japanese, you can showcase your "Japanese language skills" and demonstrate your willingness to work in a Japanese-speaking environment, leaving a good impression on companies that require Japanese. If you feel confident, give sending messages in Japanese a try!Click HERE to check messagesTo avoid missing out on job offers, be sure to respond promptly!


How to use GitTap

How to Check Jobs You've Taken Action On[GitTap]

Hello!This is the GitTap Team.In this blog, we would like to share some tips with GitTap users to help you make the most of GitTap.The theme for today is "How to Check Jobs You've Taken Action On."Are you smoothly communicating with companies through GitTap? We hope to provide some tips for efficient matching and interactions with companies based on the different approaches listed below.=================================■ Flow by Approach❶ Scout from a company❷ Interest shown by a company ❸ Checking saved jobs ❹ Checking jobs you've applied to ❺ Hidden jobs=================================👉About Scouts from CompaniesThere is a high possibility that your experience matches the job the company is recruiting for! Check the job immediately, and if you have any questions or wish to apply, send a message. 1-① Select the approach button 1-② Click on the scout👉About Interest Shown by CompaniesThere is a high possibility that your experience matches the job the company is recruiting for! Check the job immediately, and if you have any questions or wish to apply, send a message.1-① Select the approach button1-② Click on "Interest Shown"👉How to Check Saved JobsYou can review the jobs you have saved. If you decide to apply for a job from your saved list, make sure your GitTap profile is fully updated before applying. A well-completed profile significantly impacts the company’s selection process.1-① Select the approach button1-② Click on "Saved"👉How to Check Jobs You’ve Applied toYou can review the jobs you have applied for. You can check the selection status after applying on this page.1-① Select the approach button1-② Click on "Applied"👉How to Check Hidden JobsJobs that you have hidden can be found under the Approach button > Hidden.1-① Select the approach button1-② Click on "Hidden"Be sure to connect with many companies through GitTap!You can manage your approaches 👉 here.The average number of applications for those who have advanced to interviews on GitTap is 9 ! Be sure to apply to multiple companies so you don’t miss any opportunities to get an offer.


How to use GitTap

Search for Jobs Matching Your Preferences[How to use GitTap]

Hello! This is the GitTap Operations Team.In this blog, we will be sharing some useful tips for making the most out of GitTap.Today’s theme is "How to Find Job Opportunities that Match Your Preferences."How do you usually search for jobs on GitTap? This time, we’ll explore how to find the perfect job by using a sample profile with the following background and preferences:Profile:Experience: 2 years as a backend engineerLanguage: Proficient in JavaJapanese Proficiency: Business level or higherPreferences:Looking to join a company where other foreign nationals are employed👉Pattern 1: How to Search for Job Listings Using Filters1.Select a Job Category *All job postings include a job category 1-① Select a Job Category 1-② Choose Backend Engineer 1-③ Search2.To narrow down further, let's select filters *Japanese level etc. 2-① Select Filters 2-② Choose the required Japanese language level that matches your proficiency 2-③ Select Skill 2-④ Search for the language you are using, Java 2-⑤ Select Java under Programming Language 2-⑥ Select the search button Let's check for job opportunities that match your experience!👉Pattern 2: How to Find Jobs Using the Free Keyword Search as Well ① Select your Desired Job Category ② Enter the phrase " 外国人メンバーが多い " in the free word search box💡Try Entering Search Keywords in Japanese 💡Below are some examples of keywords registered in the job postings.Please copy and paste the keywords that match your preferences and search!自己学習支援 /  自社製品開発 / フレックスタイム / リモートワーク可能 / 選考回数が少ない/ 内定までが速い*The above translation(Japanese learning support / In-house product development / Flex-time / Remote work / Fast and short-term placement)Please try to refine your search and actively look for companies.👉Click Here to Search for Jobs!On average, users advancing to interviews on GitTap apply to 9 companies!Be sure to apply to multiple companies to maximize your chances of receiving an offer.


How to use GitTap

The Definitions of Japanese Language Levels

Hello! This is the GitTap Team.On this page, we will share tips on how to use GitTap for all our users.Today's topic is about "Japanese Language Level"!Are you having trouble registering your "Japanese Language Level" in your GitTap profile?Let's refer to the definitions of "Japanese Language Level" recommended by GitTap and update your profile information accordingly!The Definitions of Japanese Language LevelsThat's all.Let's register your language information in your profile according to the definitions of the Japanese language levels! Profile: